Search results

  1. Rafy

    UWS Roll Call 2012

    Welcome to the BOS UWS forum! Welcome back to all the old hands and special greetings to the new students. State the degree you are doing and the year you are in. Also include your majors if applicable. Please keep general chit-chat to the Chatter thread...
  2. Rafy

    Changing preferences?

    Change preferences for Late Round Wed 18 Jan – Wed 25 Jan 2012 Change preferences for Final Round Wed 1 Feb – Thu 2 Feb 2012
  3. Rafy

    Post Your 2012 University Offers Here!

    Presumably you got your 1st or 2nd preference.
  4. Rafy

    MQ Roll Call 2012

    Welcome to the Macquarie University forum! Welcome back to all the old hands and special greetings to the new students. State the degree you are doing and the year you are in. Also include your majors if applicable. Please keep general chit-chat to the Chatter thread...
  5. Rafy

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Welcome to the continuing mqers, and a special greeting to the new faces. This thread serves as a general discussion thread for MQ students. Please keep all the miscellaneous and off-topic conversation here as well as comments/queries/observations that don't warrant a new thread. While...
  6. Rafy

    Which newspaper publishes the list of everyone that got into uni and their course?

    Re: Which newspaper publishes the list of everyone that got into uni and their course It is in both tomorrow. The DT will publish an early edition available from 9pm tonight. See:
  7. Rafy

    How do time table allocations work?

    Yeh, generally it won't be a problem having classes back to back.
  8. Rafy

    USYD Roll Call 2012

    Welcome to the University of Sydney forum Welcome back to all the old hands and special greetings to the new students. Please make yourself at home and don't hesitate to contribute or ask questions. For a guide to this forum and a few helpful links, please see the Quick Guide. If you have...
  9. Rafy

    Post Your 2012 University Offers Here!

    No, but they will be available in the newspaper at 9pm. See University Main Round Offers - Outlet Listings
  10. Rafy

    Cool Way to Get an 'Extension'

    One of my honours supervisors was also the director of academic appeals. On one occasion she was telling me about how she dealt with students trying to pull off this very thing. Be assured that universities know this trick. Don't risk it. Many faculties are also centralising extension...
  11. Rafy

    Post Your 2012 University Offers Here!

    This has happened before in the past and has been accurate. (Which is not to say it necessarily is this time)
  12. Rafy

    UNSW Roll Call 2012

    Welcome to the University of New South Wales forum! Welcome back to all the old hands and special greetings to the new students. State the degree you are doing and the year you are in. Also include your majors if applicable. Please keep general chit-chat to the Chit-Chat thread...
  13. Rafy

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: 2012 USYD Chatter Thread The whole uni is usually quite crowded for the first couple of weeks.
  14. Rafy

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    Welcome back to the continuing usyders, and a special greeting to the new faces. For those who don't know this thread serves as a general discussion thread for usyd students. Please keep all the miscellaneous and off-topic conversation here as well as comments/queries/observations that don't...
  15. Rafy

    Subject Selections 2012

    Post the subjects you have enrolled/pre-enrolled in for 2012. Our member's subject reviews may provide some help in choosing subjects: For continuing students, enrolment variations will be avaliable in early February from...
  16. Rafy

    All rounders, round up?

    Aligned mark, not scaled. Scaling is what UAC does.
  17. Rafy

    Medicine - UMAT and interview

    Please don't post links to copyrighted materials.
  18. Rafy

    Post Your 2012 University Offers Here!

    Post your 2012 University (UAC, VTAC, internal or otherwise) Offers here! Include the university, the course and anything else you think relevant. Please place enrolment and other university/degree specific queries in the relevant university subforum here...
  19. Rafy

    Coloured Usernames

    Thank you for your suggestion. It has been noted.