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  1. barbernator

    98.5+ plan

    And here is a piece of motivational information for you Triage, 2.5% of people score 98.5+ atars :D work that one out O_o
  2. barbernator

    Factors Affecting High Marks

    Re: 98.5+ plan Sorry for off-topic messaging, but i have an idea for the first iSplicer meme. Says "Peace!" and "I guess we all have our own interpretations and views" Trolls for another 30+ posts on why his opinion is more valid :P
  3. barbernator

    What will you do after HSC finishes?

    666 the number of the beast
  4. barbernator

    What will you do after HSC finishes?

    go to the nearest pub and get drunk and bet on the melbourne cup :D (chemistry exam finishes on that day)
  5. barbernator

    Mystery Precipitate in Prac to determine sulphate content in fertiliser sample

    this isn't correct. The reason you add acid is to fully dissolve the fertiliser into solution. Barium sulfate precipitate will still form if the solution is slightly basic.
  6. barbernator

    What motivates you to study?

    what, aiming that low?! i thought this
  7. barbernator

    Projectile Motion question

    dude notice i said "FOR DULIPS QUESTION" implying i was talking about the dude who posted the original question, the only question that matters on this thread. I'm not going to answer your question until you make your own thread.
  8. barbernator

    Projectile Motion question

    dude, traiwit, dont shark someone elses thread bro, make your own. for dulip's question, are there any other restrictions, because the angle and velocity can both be varied to achieve the required restrictions.
  9. barbernator

    Forward bias diode - Solar panel

    i know how to explain the unidirectional flow of electrons within a solar panel, i just don't understand why the forward bias direction, when a PD is placed across a diode is in the opposite direction to the electron flow in a solar cell. thanks for the explanation anyway :)
  10. barbernator

    What motivates you to study?

    the thought of getting a lashing per mark i lose in a test from my parents :/ ohh, and a $400 bet with my dad
  11. barbernator

    Forward bias diode - Solar panel

    thanks for the help, but it doesn't resolve the dilemma
  12. barbernator

    Forward bias diode - Solar panel

    ok i will rephrase my question. Can someone please explain the electron flow direction within forward biased diodes and solar cells. Is the flow the same direction, or opposite and why?
  13. barbernator

    Forward bias diode - Solar panel

    i have edition 2 :/
  14. barbernator

    Forward bias diode - Solar panel

    When a diode is forward biased, current is able to easily flow through it. ( N----> P within diode (electron flow direction)what textbook says ) When a solar cell is exposed to light and an external circuit, current is able to flow. ( P --> N within cell (electron flow direction) what...
  15. barbernator

    School and ATAR

    the school with 500 in cohort must be SFX right?
  16. barbernator

    haven't thought about it since, just gunna come back to it later. I'm sure its easy-ish, just...

    haven't thought about it since, just gunna come back to it later. I'm sure its easy-ish, just cant see it atm
  17. barbernator

    dude, i got 11 for inequalities easily! but 10 i can't get atm, must be overthinking it :/

    dude, i got 11 for inequalities easily! but 10 i can't get atm, must be overthinking it :/
  18. barbernator

    Interesting theory

    oh yeh youre right, thats wrong. Fixed :D