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  1. K

    help needed for Leunig Cartoon sjhgfsgnehruisbhedycusbgrecusygf
  2. K

    Text 7 : The Town Where Time Stands Still Please look in the appropriate forums or do a search before making uncessary threads :)
  3. K

    A Myth

    If the "Myth" is documented in an actual published book then it is fine. As long as you can quote an "author" or an editor that compiles a book of myths, then it will be fine :)
  4. K

    Veterinary science!!

    you're timetabled in for 30 hours a week but it changes every week. You start at 9 am everyday and finish around 4.
  5. K

    Song Analysis

    anaylyse the song as if it were any text using the techniques. If you have a musical theory background, then they can be used to compliment the techniques. English teachers love music theory words i.e. tempo = speed, andante = slow and steady pace
  6. K

    Related Texts

    The question has been answered :)
  7. K

    Questions which address "you"

    Do not use first person, but third. You are adressing the ".... your understanding.." by writing and presenting an argument already.
  8. K

    What would you like to see on BOS 2006? shjfgkusgdunhduinwhuixdnhwui
  9. K

    USYD Pharmacy 2006

    Hmm really? thats quite odd. I doubt they do have access as well. Well similarly as you Tennille, one of my friends got 95.15 and missed out. Very peculiar.... Im rather suprised it stayed rather high depsite there being now 250 places in the course ...
  10. K

    Dentistry at Griffith

    hmm they did this with the vet school in CSU. theyve taken in first years this year, but havent been accredited for them to practice in NSW even. They wont find out until this years first years are in third year. a big gamble i say... i dont think many people know what their cirriculum is like...
  11. K

    USYD Pharmacy 2006

    from what ive heard, theyve let people in with about 92 UAI in second round
  12. K

    Anatomy - cranial nerves

    rob, i was just making a comment related to alvins personality .. not need to get tut-tut about it :p :p ooo hey meg ! yeah, i figured i have to know it eventually, but thats if i get through this sem first ! :( Gah, i dont know if i can cram all of that for all the structures i know (and dont...
  13. K

    Anatomy - cranial nerves

    Hahah alvin, trust you to remember something like that :p
  14. K

    Some handbooks up

    vet one is the same everyear....
  15. K

    Anatomy - cranial nerves ghsaednghuynhdwu
  16. K

    Man jailed After Dog Rapes Him

    Hmm it is a count of beastiality. I dont see why he got longer.. EDIT: I recall an article where a guy went and bought 6 rabbits over the course of 3 months from Broadway Pet Store. It was only after things seemed suss and he was charged for bestiality. I dont know how long he got though.
  17. K

    Unofficial HSC Advice Line (As Requested by Kimmeh)

    Kids i can see this is turning into a bit of spam :p
  18. K

    MODS, Whats happening this year?

    Our server has been overloaded numerous times and with more than 1000 people on, i wouldnt be suprised. Take care and good luck ! :)
  19. K

    Can you use TWO prescribed texts in AoS?

    You shouldnt use a prescribed text for any other module as an own related text, is thats what you're asking..... PM me if i didnt answer your question propely and i will do so :)