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  1. K

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  2. K

    Using songs in essays

    you can talk about both as long as the actual music relates to your essay and you can analyse it.
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    If it asks for two, you use two. If it asks for one, then use one. You should have TWO anyway and if they ask for one, then use one.
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    Animal and Veterinary Bioscience

    In first semester, us vet students did chemistry with the BAnVetBioSci students and i got to meet a few of them. Because the course is so "new" in a sense where the vet faculty has taken 50% of the course and there have been a few complaints about it through the faculty. I know theyre doing...
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    tagline i thought is used more commonly in advertisments ie. maybeline's tag line is "maybe shes born with it, maybe its maybeline" and BMW "Sheer driving pleasure". You usually associate a tag-line to a certain company and works as a marketing gimmick. the teachnique above, id say is just...
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    From hell related material

    I dont know the movie and the text, but if you just need reassuring for jusrt using a specific scene from a movie, then yes,you can. It'd probably be better using a scene as you can concentrate on it more :)
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    Texts That We Will Need!

    2 Coleridge Poems 2/3 Related texts 1 Stimulus text
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    slow writer

    You shouldnt be too worried about quantity. I know a few people who used to always get 19/20 at school for writing 4 pages. It does look impressive when you write heaps to markers, but it appeals more to them if you make a definite argument/point early on
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    Can they specify skr poems

    Theres nothing stopping them from specifying a poem for you to use. Of course, that would be quite harsh if they did.
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    Dates of texts.. WHY!!??

    you dont need to say the date/period of the text unless its relevant to what you're trying to say in your essay. its seen more in module A
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    What does that line mean?

    what do you think it means? if you dont know what it means then youve obviuosly picked the wrong text and its too hard for you to understand to relate
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    Physical journey my ORT Looking Alibrandi HELP pETER Skrzynecki

    why not go borrow the book from your local library ? How about doa forum search for some notes?
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    Part 1 study

    the BEST thing for you to do is read past papers and have alot at how the exam questions/mark allocations are structures get some random texts and analyse them in terms of their techniques because section 1 is all about techniques and utilising them in a response
  14. K

    Is it vital to have a quote in you thesis.

    hmm i dont understand your question but i'll answer it as best as i can.. you shouldnt put a quote made by a famous person in your thesis. the aos is about you appreciating the journey through a "philosophical quote" (which is your thesis) as a basis of your understanding
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    PLEASE HELP - can we get Skrzynecki ??

    ive seen some books available in the shops/libraries where there are collections of authors poetry, im sure if you start there you will find something.
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    Exemplars were made and put out for the first two years when the new HSC was first implemented. exemplars were used to illustrate what the Board of studies thought was a band 1/2/3/4/5/6. You will not find any "journeys" exemplars. The only ones available as you said are on the bos resources...
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    Quote analysis

    i wouldnt do a quote as a text, unless its the one provided in the stimulus booklet. it doesnt seem safe to me. you also need to write one paragraph on it about its techniques, and i dont think its easy.
  18. K

    Need more essay questions... shdnhaudhnaidnaixda
  19. K

    med shenanigans

    animals? i dont see that as "normal" ......