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  1. ajdlinux

    Writing student number on every page??

    I just wrote off an email to them asking the relevant people to ensure all supervisors are told of these rules. I'll post a response if I receive one before I go on holidays next week.
  2. ajdlinux

    Special Provisions

    I don't think any special provisions student disagrees with the fact that you have to put up with a normal level of hand pain, but not everyone is in fact capable of improving their writing speeds. For me, it would take professional therapy which isn't an option due to the costs involved - a...
  3. ajdlinux

    Writing student number on every page??

    Wow, I think the BOS needs to be a lot clearer on this. My supervisors were happy to let us sit there writing them for 10 minutes afterwards...
  4. ajdlinux

    Special Provisions

    I'm a very slow writer, and I suffer from hand cramps worse than most people. Handwriting difficulties are not 'excuses'. I physically can't write as much as some people without having extra time to do it, which puts me at a disadvantage. And yes, I have a report from a registered occupational...
  5. ajdlinux

    Nerdy and blonde mistakes?

    In Chemistry I once said 'homophobic' when I meant 'hydrophobic'.
  6. ajdlinux

    Special Provisions

    If a student gets caught with a false special provisions claim, their doctor/therapist would probably be suspended by the Medical Board or something. Exploiting the provisions system basically requires getting a doctor to lie for you. Also I'm annoyed at the comments that suggest that people...
  7. ajdlinux

    Legible Handwriting

    As was mine, back then I actually cared about my handwriting :p
  8. ajdlinux

    Special Provisions

    If they can prove that they have medical issues, like at other schools, then I don't see a reason why they shouldn't get special provisions.
  9. ajdlinux

    Atar calculator accuracy

    With spelling and grammar like yours... And the ATAR estimators don't need school ranks, they ask purely for the aligned, moderated and averaged HSC marks so they don't need to know your internal assessment scores.
  10. ajdlinux

    Raw marks FOI question

    The disadvantage of using the PPIPA s14 is that there's no explicit timeframe for them to respond, they just can't delay you 'excessively', whereas under FOI they have 21 days. Also, I'm not sure what the reference to 'excessive ... expense' in s14 means.
  11. ajdlinux

    Cheating punishments?

    Well, you have to hope that if they do punish you they choose to zero the mark, rather than actually give you an N in the course. They can do either. But at this stage I'd say you really need to talk to your principal about it, and make sure you have stat decs from everyone who witnessed it.
  12. ajdlinux

    Cheating punishments?

    If your paper is considered a 'non-attempt', you may end up with an N determination instead of just losing marks. I'm not sure what the exact policy is though. And you really, really must talk to your school principal or director of studies.
  13. ajdlinux

    Legible Handwriting

    That's fairly legible. (And yes, left handed is the only way to go. :D )
  14. ajdlinux

    Legible Handwriting

    Well if a response is actually illegible, as opposed to barely-legible, then I suppose there's not much they can really do, fair enough if they get 0 for that question.
  15. ajdlinux

    Legible Handwriting

    I've heard from numerous teachers that they will try as hard as they can to read what you're writing and figure it out. After all, that's their duty and they are being paid to do it, and they're all teachers with years of experience marking school exams anyway. That said, less-legible...
  16. ajdlinux

    Practicals Dotpoints

    You can't appeal to the BOS about teaching-related issues, as the job of teaching to the syllabus is the school's problem, not the Board's. All you can do really is file a complaint with the teacher and/or your principal, and in the meantime study study study.
  17. ajdlinux

    Legible Handwriting

    I'm a leftie and I found it a bit hard to read, although I generally have a lot of trouble reading any handwriting that's not very clear printing, or alternatively my sort of scrawl.
  18. ajdlinux

    Raw marks FOI question

    Well then who puts the lines through each page on some of the samples that appear in the standards packages? edit: - that's an example of what I mean.