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  1. ajdlinux


    Reading through BOS exemplar samples is rather depressing in this regard since they seem to generally pick the ones which are a good 12 pages long or more. I'm rather surprised though at the level of detail some people go to in their short response section where they write absolutely excessively...
  2. ajdlinux

    Internals Marks

    You keep your exam mark, and your assessment mark is equal to the highest exam mark of anyone in your class.
  3. ajdlinux

    Nerdy and blonde mistakes?

    I do 4U, where radians are used pretty much exclusively.
  4. ajdlinux

    Internals Marks

    Not quite. They don't maintain the actual numerical gap, they make sure all the gaps are kept in proportion. If you are only 1 mark behind 1st, you'll usually only be within a mark or two of first after moderation.
  5. ajdlinux

    Nerdy and blonde mistakes?

    I've gotten used to keeping my calculator in radians mode all the time, and it sucks having to change it back constantly particularly in Extension 1.
  6. ajdlinux

    Writing Faster - TIPS

    Automatic special provisions for lefties!
  7. ajdlinux

    Nerdy and blonde mistakes?

    There was someone in my Extension 2 class who wrote in their exam that sqrt(3 + 1) = sqrt(3), i.e. 3 + 1 = 3. I figure that the higher level of maths you do, the worse your basic arithmetic gets :p
  8. ajdlinux

    Legible Handwriting

    That doesn't seem to be lined - what does your writing look like on normal writing paper?
  9. ajdlinux

    Special Provisions

    Hmm, so of those people, who are the fakers and who genuinely needs them?
  10. ajdlinux

    WTF! 2 texts okay?

    There's no rule saying you can't do two texts of the same type. Sure, teachers will recommend that you use different types, so you have a bit of variety and improve your chances, but you won't be marked down for it, definitely.
  11. ajdlinux

    Schoolies in Port Macquarie

    As a Port Macquarie resident: agreed.
  12. ajdlinux

    Special Provisions

    Are you saying that there aren't any other problems that might limit writing speed, or that there are other problems that limit writing speed, but they aren't serious enough to warrant special provisions?
  13. ajdlinux

    Special Provisions

    What if your normal writing speed is considerably below average due to a long-term problem?
  14. ajdlinux

    Raw marks FOI question

    Yeah, I've noticed that it doesn't happen with all subjects. It may be specific to certain marking centres or something where they have particular administrative requirements. Definitely. I wonder if we can get someone to put in a PPIP request right now, so we can see how long OBOS will take...
  15. ajdlinux

    Neglecting classwork as study material

    I've definitely under-used my class notes. I basically tend to ignore them as they aren't comprehensive and they aren't sorted. Reading textbooks FTW :D
  16. ajdlinux

    Legible Handwriting

    I skipped Year 4 so I never got my pen licence :(
  17. ajdlinux

    Special Provisions

    Yes, but my point is that it does take time - it's either a year of conscious effort to change writing style, or taking advice from an OT. When I talked to my OT about it, she basically said don't bother, since at this stage of life it's too much effort for too little gain. I'm not an OCD...
  18. ajdlinux

    4 Page booklets?

    I got 4-page booklets, and used 10 in total. The supervisor started questioning me about why I was using so many booklets, for some reason. :/
  19. ajdlinux

    Writing student number on every page??

    Same here, the main rule my supervisors choose to ignore is the no-talking-until-you're-out-of-the-room one :D