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  1. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    Okay, you have a point with regards to my specific example. But the fact is, people are allowed to discuss and debate things which don't directly affect them. It's not okay to be personally hostile to someone about something like their subject choices, but I haven't really encountered that - the...
  2. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    Nor does it achieve anything debating the merits of a university admission scheme that we can't change, as we have been doing for most of this thread. It doesn't need to have a point - people like to share opinions and discuss things even without a practical consequence.
  3. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    The US system developed mostly as a consequence of their non-uniform secondary school system, with more state and local government bodies setting different educational standards, and many different types of high school diplomas. I don't know if there's any evidence to suggest whether that sort...
  4. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    Well, it's not really 'hostility', it's more that those people would hate to be stuck doing it. I 'despise' Visual Arts, but that's because I wouldn't want to do it myself, and I personally don't consider it valuable for my situation, but I don't mind if someone else does it.
  5. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    The experience at my school has been that the maths and science people tend to do quite well at English and humanities subjects, but tend to despise them as it's not their primary interest.
  6. ajdlinux

    How and when do you get a commonwealth supported place in uni & HECS?

    Nowadays (i.e. since Kevin Rudd) almost all domestic places are CSP. You'll get a Commonwealth Assistance Form (or online equivalent) on the day you enrol at uni, which is the formal application for HECS-HELP.
  7. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    Yes, I also know a lot of maths/science people who despise arts and humanities and indeed I do 'despise' a number of arts subjects (I don't think they're completely worthless, but I just suck at them, and there are a few courses which really are worth a bit less than other subjects :p )...
  8. ajdlinux

    2009 HSC School Rankings

    That was the amendment in question.
  9. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    I hope you're not implying that most maths/science students don't have a good understanding of society, critical thinking or communication skills. (I've found more maths students have fairly good 'artsy' skills compared to the number of arts students who have fairly good maths skills.)
  10. ajdlinux

    2009 HSC School Rankings

    Where do you find the numbers on total school entries?
  11. ajdlinux

    Is it possible to do two degrees simultneously?

    Not since most DFEE positions were abolished.
  12. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    It's rather hard to run an educational institution where you're not teaching specific outcomes. But that said, you can work within those outcomes to encourage free thinking. (Yes, some HSC syllabuses could be improved in this regard.)
  13. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    Absolutely. We have TAFE for vocational training, and they do a pretty good job of it too. (I have nothing against TAFE - it's definitely the best option for many people.) The HSC is a memory game for some, sure, but for those of us who really try to apply ourselves it's more than that.
  14. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    Conversely, I found Legal to be easier than Physics and Chem (even though I'm usually called a maths/science oriented person). The scaling system recognises that most Legal Studies candidates are not of the same level as most Physics or MX2 candidates. Obviously, everyone's cases are different...
  15. ajdlinux

    Those that got into their courses

    Definitely into my course - 2009 cutoff of 81.65, so I'm pretty safe :D
  16. ajdlinux

    how do the cutoffs work for New Courses??

    After all the offers are out.
  17. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    It's not 'more important', it just so happens that it's harder to get a good mark in Physics than many humanities.
  18. ajdlinux

    Is it possible to do two degrees simultneously?

    Outside of combined law/med and a few of those more elite degrees, most double degrees have the same cutoff as the relevant single degrees. What program are you thinking of?
  19. ajdlinux

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    If you actually look at the scaling stats, there are more arts/humanities subjects in the top 10 scaling courses than there are maths/science subjects, if I remember correctly. Extension English scales very well, as do some of the Music courses and a few other humanities.
  20. ajdlinux

    Anyone getting their exam(s) rechecked?

    I'd definitely do it if not for how much it costs. Just out of interest Aerath: do you know if your friend got his recheck fee refunded?