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  1. MoonlightSonata

    Harry Gibbs Constitutional Moot

    I'm not too fond of constitutional moots; if only there were some more areas offered for national competitions - like tort/criminal/property, etc. I suppose with constitutional mooting comps they avoid jurisdiction issues though
  2. MoonlightSonata

    Abortion debate

    Hear hear ...let's hope they pick themselves up again at the next election =/
  3. MoonlightSonata

    Bush picks Supreme Court nominee

    I have to say I'm generally not in favour of appointing people to the highest court of any country with no judicial experience. However, from time to time it does happen - even in Australia. Justice Callinan of the High Court of Australia had never been a judge before his appointment.
  4. MoonlightSonata

    Abortion debate

    I shall play devil's advocate and be the Christian (yes, irony) Of course God can make a rock he cannot lift, since God can do anything. But it doesn't mean, since God can do anything, that he cannot place limits on his own powers. So God can do anything, unless he limits himself (in which...
  5. MoonlightSonata

    Want a job? Change the subject

    Mmm this is to be expected I think... you'd assume people who choose vocational subjects are not as likely to go on to university, and those who do go on to university you'd expect to have greater job prospects, in general. I always regarded as rather suspect the amount of weight the Board of...
  6. MoonlightSonata

    Muslim People in Australia

    I think you misunderstand - as a matter of argument and logic, the onus is not on people to say why the book should not be believed, it is up to those who say it should be believed to demonstrate why.
  7. MoonlightSonata

    What do employers think of UWS?

    It is true that you don't need first class honours, but marks are very important. Your future employee will run through and check all your marks.
  8. MoonlightSonata

    WoW and good marks?

    lol well they needed an army to stop me :P I'm pretty sure they fixed up the communication system so that nothing gets through any more.
  9. MoonlightSonata

    Muslim People in Australia

    Actually, the onus is on you to give a good reason for people to believe it, not for me to say why it shouldn't be believed. Just a note - I have great difficulty in reading and understanding your posts - if you could format them into proper sentences and paragraphs it would really help. As...
  10. MoonlightSonata

    WoW and good marks?

    disgruntled horde on the chase
  11. MoonlightSonata

    Tort law and media sensationalism

    McHUGH J: heheh
  12. MoonlightSonata

    CSP v DFEE

    CSP - Commonwealth-supported place: student contributes toward cost of course. DFEE - Domestic fee-paying: student pays a tuition fee (full cost of the course). ----------- CSP is basically the new system of HECS. The government pays part of your education and you also don't have to pay...
  13. MoonlightSonata

    Tort law and media sensationalism

    My god it's a miracle. A short, unanimous 5 judge HC judgment "The question that this appeal raises is whether, in circumstances in which an employee vainly sought instructions from her employer how to perform an apparently simple...
  14. MoonlightSonata

    The Debate...UNSW or USyd??

    I am currently doing Arts/Law at UNSW. I've been to both unis. USYD does have many social opportunities, at least as much as UNSW. As someone mentioned Subski organises parties often. I would also say the clubs and societies have a bigger scene at USYD. However I would say that UNSW is a...
  15. MoonlightSonata

    What do employers think of UWS?

    ahahahhaha "pages and pages of garbage"
  16. MoonlightSonata

    What do employers think of UWS?

    Certainly, taken from this post of yours -- Perhaps now you understand? That's strange, because my opinion was in favour of your position. So let me get this straight, you don't believe that where you get your university degree has any influence at all on career prospects? As others have...
  17. MoonlightSonata

    What do employers think of UWS?

    Well the message is one of total incoherence I am afraid I have to tell you. You don't need to have the qualifications for a barrister to work in a law firm, which is precisely what you suggest: "obviously its useless aiming for a top tier firm if you haven't passed the bar yet" It's just my...
  18. MoonlightSonata

    What do employers think of UWS?

    What is your problem? I am not allowed to voice my opinion?