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  1. braindrainedAsh

    centrelink youth allowance

    Do you think they would randomly audit someone who just started on YA? For whoever asked, I am a FT student who lives away from home and earnt over $17000 in 18 months and hence is now considered as independent from my parents.
  2. braindrainedAsh

    centrelink youth allowance

    Woo hoo I got my letter today to say I qualified for YA! Yay! Just out of curiosity after my dad started asking questions, what are the ramifications if you don't report your income correctly? How could centrelink catch you out? Do they audit at the end of financial year? With 6 weeks...
  3. braindrainedAsh

    Rules for Customers

    Last new years eve at my parents shop (which is extremely busy on NYE) we were so busy people were standing to eat their pizzas because we had no seats left. They were sitting outside on the concrete eating them. This guy comes up and goes "excuse me, do you realize there are no vacant...
  4. braindrainedAsh

    Help ! , i cant stop watching TV

    You watch Today Tonight? WTF!!!! That is utter crap, you should just watch SBS news instead, at least you will learn something about the world. Why don't you just tape the shows you want to watch, and then when you have done your school work/study for the week, reward yourself by catching...
  5. braindrainedAsh

    My Restaurant Rules : Sydney VS Melbourne

    All I can see is that you can tell Bella is very marketing savvy.... she had heavily branded Pink Salt, it has been branded to a great extent than the other restaurants... everything, from the concepts of the Tshirt line, to the actual Pink Salt, and them throwing it over the shoulder for luck...
  6. braindrainedAsh

    60% of Uni Students live below the Poverty Line

    SUV seems heaps better than UTS's accom.... your rent is really quite a bit cheaper than ours (if you minus the UCard mandatory costs), even though your rooms and stuff are pretty similar to ours, and you guys have grass and trees!! Plus the servery/convenience store/bar.....
  7. braindrainedAsh

    Home and Away

    Hey remember when Irene was still an alcoholic? And whatabout when Angel got married and she got out of her wheelchair to walk down the aisle... classic H&A moment!!!!!
  8. braindrainedAsh


    Argh 2 major essays, tutorial presentation with accompanying 1000 + word paper, plus a take home test, plus a feature article that I need to do extensive interviews for, plus online responses and multiple peer reviews due in the next 3 weeks. Ick. Shouldn't really be on here should I?
  9. braindrainedAsh


    A guy I went to school with does the Paramedic/Nursing double at CSU and he loves it. They do lots of practical placements and hands on stuff, and apparently it is the easiest way to get an ambo job, the other paths are a lot more complicated.
  10. braindrainedAsh

    Where did you learn about the real world?

    They could have made time for it at my school in these stupid careers/guidance lessons... most of the time we did bugger all.... sometimes they would put on a stupid video on how to decide what career you wanted to do.... life skills would have been more useful.
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Rules for workers

    I totally agree! It is so rude when sales people look at you like "what are YOU doing in here" just because you may not fit in to the clothes that they sell.... or because you are dressed like a povvo and the shop is expensive.... the other day I was in Sportsgirl looking at something and the...
  12. braindrainedAsh

    Rules for Customers

    Ok, some Coles stories from last week. I'm on express, it is EXTREMELY busy..... massive queue. This guy comes through with a basket full of stuff, which he then tells me he only has $15.20... I'm looking at the basket knowing it will cost more than that. So I say well we will stop before...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    If you were in Parliament.....

    If I had one day in parliament, I would take my gun.... nah just kidding One day isn't much time to really do anything significant because we all know how long it takes to process things in parliament. But the two things that I would take on would be more funding for education (state...
  14. braindrainedAsh

    Where did you learn about the real world?

    Just basic stuff.... like make sure you check the interest rate, if you sign a lease yadda yadda yadda. Just the basics, not contract law or anything!
  15. braindrainedAsh

    Where did you learn about the real world?

    I think learning about leases and stuff like that could be helpful too... things about contracts etc, credit cards/loans (so that people don't get themselves in to sticky financial situations).... just stuff that people sometimes have to learn the very very hard way.
  16. braindrainedAsh

    60% of Uni Students live below the Poverty Line

    Generator, I agree with you... the use of the "real" world phrase wasn't very PC.... I meant more people who don't have much scope when it comes to other people's situations. As for partying/clubbing.... a couple of bottles of spumante and the TV are are usual repetoire for me and my friends...
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Home and Away

    I reckon they should bring back Home and Away the early years, I would be up for watching that! Old skool H&A! What has been your favorite H&A storyline? I liked it back in the old days when there was that cult led by Saul... didn't Selina get roped in to it or something then Irene saved...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    60% of Uni Students live below the Poverty Line

    Thanks for the stats Xayma and replying to my questioning of the stat Felix had. When you look at the poverty line, it is pretty "high".... like if you didn't have rent, and were a young student without many financial committments then $145 is easy to live off. So I guess that is where the...
  19. braindrainedAsh

    60% of Uni Students live below the Poverty Line

    I think people have missed the original point of this post. Instead they have taken it as students "whinging" about having to pay for university... I think the most concerning thing about these statistics is that it is another reason why international students will not want to attend...
  20. braindrainedAsh

    60% of Uni Students live below the Poverty Line

    I'm not saying that I have it horribly hard NTB, because my parents would help me out if I was literally starving, however I am saying that I feel very sorry for those that do not have parental financial backup because I have worked up to 45 hours a week plus full time uni and it is really hard...