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  1. acullen

    Back EMF Question

    Back when I did the HSC, I used the textbook "Physics in Context: The Forces of Life" it was a great book. It was written by Bill Zealey, an Assoc. Prof in Physics at UoW (and a nice guy). I don't think it cost all that much either. When you go to uni, you'll find out how high publishers can...
  2. acullen

    Apparent Motion at the Speed of Light

    How can a shadow move faster than the speed of light when the very existance of it is the lack of light? And the shadow on the ground does move slightly faster than the bird at all angles apart from perpendicular from the ground. This is due to both having equal angular displacement, but the...
  3. acullen


    The movement of any charged particle (in this case a large quantity of electrons) will induce a magnetic field with it's direction dependant on the charge of the particle. A simple rule of thumb (literally) in determining the direction of the magnetic field induced by a conductor is to use...
  4. acullen

    WebCT Vista

    The same happened to me as I'm no longer doing any CSCI subjects. Just use as your SSH server (works for all UoW students as opposed to just CSCI ones).
  5. acullen

    Presentations and referencing?

    Your best bet is ask the lecturer either in person or via email. When I had to present a seminar for first year electrical, we had to reference with [1] , [2], etc. for each paraphrased/quoted element.
  6. acullen

    Differentiation Question

    ...which when differentiated gives: d/dx = 4x+5
  7. acullen

    I like or am doing physics because...?

    I had a Physics lecturer back in first year explode the lecture theatre's (empty) garbage bin inside the lecture theatre with a nitrogen bomb. ...the room had a nice fresh bin the next lecture.
  8. acullen

    I hate 8th+ years

    Yeah, I remember hearing Lucky say at the MMD/Prostate Cancer conferences over summer that he was there for 11 years. Ah well, soon to graduate with a PhD. He's a nice bloke, but I don't think I'd retain any sanity after 11 years of UOW.
  9. acullen

    I hate first years!

    Atleast they're finally getting what they pay for.
  10. acullen

    I hate 8th+ years

    His name wouldn't happen to be Dean?
  11. acullen

    I hate first years!

    They actually pay people to write that crap?
  12. acullen

    Qeustions about the library.

    You call that a university course? What are you an arts student or something? I remember that I got ILIP out of the way on the very last day of autumn session only because I wanted my results released on the normal day.
  13. acullen

    WebCT Vista

    Haha, what are you bitching about, us unfortunate students who decided to endure the self-inflicted pain of summer session had to put up with all the teething issues of Vista. You had to hold your breath as to whether it actually recognised you as a student. There were all sorts of weird...
  14. acullen

    Differences between MATH141/187

    Yeah, they're identical in content. It's just that you end up with less total contact hours in 162 as opposed to 142 as summer is obviously condensed to 7 weeks. But then again, if you're taking a single subject, it's still half the load of taking 4 subjects over a standard semester. The...
  15. acullen

    I hate first years!

    Gotta love those vouchers, I used the burger + 600mL coke one at the McKinnon Buffet. Somehow I don't think the $1 first time customer voucher for Picassos will work for me...
  16. acullen

    I hate 8th+ years

    Ah well, he can boast to mummy and daddy that he'll get 100% in ILIP100. I still remember a mate telling me he scored perfect marks. haha
  17. acullen

    I hate first years!

    Haha in a way you're a first year.... First year of your current degree... Damn nuisance first years... Oh and to that guy who posted a 5 page essay on what I'm guessing was "first years have rights to". Uni students = lazy, if something is too long, we wont read if; if it's not important...
  18. acullen

    I hate first years!

    Is it just me or have they jacked up the price of food/drinks again over the summer? (I mean when you have the measly member discount of 10-20c or whatever). I miss summer session now, you could have erected a 2 bed tent in the Unibar and still not be in anyone's way, now you have to hunt for...
  19. acullen

    Sign In Here UOW'ers

    Hehe, good course. I'm doing the exact same, but 2nd year. I guess I might see you in Physiology in Spring. (Started out doing a degree in Photonics then transferred to MedRadPhys AdvHons).
  20. acullen

    Internal Transfer Help

    From Science > Arts??? :o Backwards step if you ask me :p It all depends on the transfer requirements for transferring into the new course as it varies. For example: a friend transferred from Arts into Law and was told she needed a Credit average; but when I transferred from Photonics to...