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  1. acullen

    What is time dilation?

    Nothing within your own frame of reference will ever appear to slow down, if you were to travel in a spacecraft at near-light speed, although from our reference, your time would infact slow down; everything within your frame of reference is governed by your localised rate of time. The rate at...
  2. acullen


    You could take it a little further, but it shouldn't be necessary... = 1/x - 2x/(x2 - 4) = 1(x2 - 4)/x(x2 - 4) - 2x(x)/(x2 - 4)x = (x2 - 4)/(x3-4x) - 2x2/(x3-4x) = (x2 -2x2 - 4)/(x3-4x) = (-x2 - 4)/(x3-4x)
  3. acullen


    d/dx ln(x/(x2 - 4)) Recall the log law that log(a/b) = log(a) - log(b) d/dx ( ln(x) - ln(x2 - 4 ) ) d/dx of ln(f[x]) = f'[x]/f[x] = 1/x - 2x/(x2 - 4)
  4. acullen


    lim(x→4) (x-2)/(x2-16) =(4-2) / (42-16) =2 / (16-16) =2 / 0 = ∞ Limit Does Not Exist (D.N.E.) What Maths subject is this for? MATH141/187?
  5. acullen

    Who did i see yesterday? plus other tales from 1st year B HS and PSYCH

    Haha Don't worry, just wait till the Civil Eng society has another BBQ day, lotsa cheap beer. Medical Radiation Physics, Civil Engineering, meh close enough.
  6. acullen


    Just out of curiosity, why are you asking a question on 3 unit maths when you've done your HSC? Brushing up for uni or something?
  7. acullen

    Convergence is not only university work.

    Oh and I should add that our system isn't in too bad of a state when you consider the typical mathematics a high school student in the US would learn. The majority will not do calculus until they reach university. But compared to some Asian and European countries, we're certainly lagging a bit.
  8. acullen

    Convergence is not only university work.

    Convergence is actually a pretty interesting topic, it requires a bit more than regurgitating a procedure (as every integration question does), but applying a series of tests to the sequence/series based on educated "guesses"of its behaviour.
  9. acullen

    O Week Party

    Don't worry, a lot of people are in the same situation starting off. Tell some friends that there's cheap drinks, that should lure in most students. hehe But anyway, O-week is a great way to meet new friends that you'll probably have for the rest of your degree (and longer).
  10. acullen

    drawing displacement/time graphs

    If you are being told to graph with units of ms, you will need to convert from units of frequency to period. This is a really simple calculation: T=1/f =1/100Hz =0.01s =10ms So this means 10ms per wavelength (ie 100mm per wavelength).
  11. acullen

    Are you meant to go everyday this week,

    If I was you, I'd definately skip it. I had the worst birthday present thanks to the uni, I had an anatomy mid-session practical exam on my birthday. Spending my birthday around dead people is not my idea of fun.
  12. acullen

    Quick guide to sketching curves

    Here's a really brief summary: Point of Inflexion Occurs where f"(x)=0 A point of inflexion is a point where concavity changes in the function. Stationary Point Any point where f'(x)=0 A point in the function where the gradient is equal to 0. Maxima/Minima A special case where...
  13. acullen

    O Week Party

    Hehe, one degree not enough? So what are you planning to do? Oh and I'll prolly be at the O-week party.
  14. acullen

    UoW Graduate School of Medicine

    Hopefully completing a degree at UoW will count as that tie to a regional community. Anyway, I plan to move to the South Coast later this year. Yeah, looks like a very long ride to specialise.
  15. acullen

    UoW Graduate School of Medicine

    Is anyone thinking of applying for entry to the UoW GSM? The first student intake will be next year. From their website there's a few entry criterira: Strong results in a Bachelor level degree A GPA of atleast 5.0 Strong results in GAMSAT A portfolio Success in the interview...
  16. acullen

    Differences between MATH141/187

    But there's no point in withdrawing that late if it's too late to enrol in MATH141.
  17. acullen

    Complex Number Quick Question

    Simply put, when graphing complex functions on the cartesian plane: x = Re(z) y = Im(z) and argument (equiv. to gradient) = arctan(Im(z)/Re(z))
  18. acullen

    Graphs and Calculus

    Um, tell me where I told you how to differentiate, I don't believe I did??? I simply gave you a hint that (if a simple mistake was made, it) could possibly give you extra marks in an exam, but if you're not interested in that... If you don't want help then don't ask for it.
  19. acullen

    HELP: i don't know how add songs or to use a MP3 player

    If it plays raw WAVE files, then why is it called an MP3 player if it cannot play the MPEG3 format?
  20. acullen

    Unicentre Membership

    If that isn't a bogus prize, I don't know what is. I can see a first year getting all excited about winning it, then realising their "prize" was free anyway. Another interesting thing is that on the Unicentre site you can apparently downgrade your membership, but you don't receive a refund or...