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  1. acullen

    Graphs and Calculus

    Remember you can always sub in a value into the equation to test any point along the graph if you really want to be sure. For something like a min/max, just sub in a value for x just ~0.1 left/right of your value, if they both end up corresponding lesser/greater (which ever is appropriate), then...
  2. acullen

    Differences between MATH141/187

    Yep, that's completely fine. You have until the 5th of March to make up your mind (last day to add subjects via SOLS without academic approval). So that means you have 2 weeks to taste test MATH187.
  3. acullen


    Haha, what can I say, I got lazy.
  4. acullen


    I'm not sure as to how they expect you to approach this problem, but I'll assume that you are to define two pronumerals as numeric constants. As a+b+c=0 Leta = 2 b = 3 .: 2+3+c=0 c=-5 Proof (2a-b)³+(2b-c)³+(2c-a)³ = 3(2a-b)(2b-c)(2c-a) As a=2, b=3 and c=-5... LHS...
  5. acullen

    Laptop for uni

    If battery life is what you want and you don't mind running Mac OS X, an Apple iBook will get 5-6 hours of battery life.
  6. acullen

    Special relativity question.

    It is simply a physical constraint of nature. An object can travel the speed of light if and only if it has a zero rest mass, and the only thing that has this property is energy (i.e. a photon). There are 3 formulas you are likely to encounter during the HSC for this phenomenon: Time Dialation...
  7. acullen


    An Eddy current is an induced current in a conductor caused by a moving magnetic field passing through the conductor. This induced current then induces a magnetic field opposing that of the original magnetic field incident on the conductor (due to Lenz's Law). You'll probably cover it in more...
  8. acullen

    Differences between MATH141/187

    My guess is that the process is likely all computerised as is the system for testing whether a student has met prerequisite subjects for eligibility to enrol in a subsequent subject. You'll likely stay enrolled for the first week then get a computer generated SOLS message informing you that you...
  9. acullen

    Disadvantage going to UWS? or not?

    Hehe, this thread is pretty funny. I mean look at the title and then look at the page count.... 20 pages.... hahaha
  10. acullen

    Unicentre Membership

    Haha, that's classic! Throughout sexuality week, I didn't see any hetrosexual propaganda plastered all over the university; nor do I see a union-fee-funded "straight place" for hetrosexuals to gather and have conversations about being straight. In a way they're discriminating against straight...
  11. acullen

    Differences between MATH141/187

    Atleast for MATH141/187 there is. I'm not too sure about any other first year maths courses. That very first one wasn't a pleasant lecture nor a great introduction; it was on a Monday and also my very first class of university. Welcome to Univerisity, now that you're all here, let's all do a...
  12. acullen

    What's the deal with tuts + workshops etc?

    A lot of tut enrolments will not open until during O-week or sometime during week 1.
  13. acullen

    From a 99% BLUDGER to a 93.05'nese{true story}

    I gave up try to decipher the lack of punctuation and grammar. And what the hell does "noobs" mean? Is that some computer geek word for something?
  14. acullen

    Tutorial before lecture??

    Actually, back in first year maths there were a few occasions where a few tutorial questions sprang up that we were yet to cover in lectures. But you can just skip those, nothing you would lose sleep over or anything...
  15. acullen

    Unicentre Membership

    I went up to the Unicentre counter today (while I was at uni for an exam) and got my Unicentre card. It was pretty painless; they just took my card, did something on a computer and out came a card containing a clone of the aweful photo that's present on my student ID card. I'd say get in...
  16. acullen

    Differences between MATH141/187

    There are a few differences, as mentioned 141 is at a slower pace. In 141, a review of the fundementals are initially reviewed in the first few weeks (quadratics, trigonometry, basic differentiation/integration, etc). In addition, you are given a 2 page table of standard integrals and you are...
  17. acullen

    any tips for 2006 phys students?

    Enjoy yourself and consider a degree in physics at the end of it ;)
  18. acullen

    Tutorial before lecture??

    It shouldn't matter too greatly. Homework assignments for MATH187 are due once a fortnight; plenty of time to ask a friend for help if you're unsure about a question.
  19. acullen

    Who did i see today? plus other tales from 1st year wanderings

    Haha, I like how you crapped on for a while and then finally came to the point at the end. And after 6:30pm too i think? Once again, a case of "why would you want to?".
  20. acullen

    Picking tuts and lectures?

    Enrolment time is always a joy filled time of the year. If you walk away with no time conflicts, no 5 hour gaps in the middle of a day, and your sanity intact; you have done well.