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  1. tommykins

    Religion and morality: an illusion?

    I just can't fathom as to why people can't comprehend that years (read: thousands) of social interaction amongst humans, we'd soon realise that within our instincts of survival and maintaining the existence of our species, we'd realise that it's better to work with each other (ie. not kill each...
  2. tommykins

    Brain shuts off in presence of 'healer'

    Brain shuts off in response to healer's prayer - life - 27 April 2010 - New Scientist Pretty interesting, explains a lot about people believing in these scams and 'miracles'. It's pretty much a built-in natural bias.
  3. tommykins

    beautiful girls

    lol k yeah i'd agree with that easier said than done though hey
  4. tommykins

    beautiful girls

    lol so young . don't you think that despite how hot she is, him cheating on her more than once must have some underlying reason? i'll let you figure that out
  5. tommykins

    beautiful girls

    err lol ok let's assume its all the guys fault and not even remotely the girls fault. right right
  6. tommykins

    beautiful girls

    cause those lists are always accurate amirite nice link me shoops surprised you ignored this -
  7. tommykins

    beautiful girls

    angle etc. ur sig is cheryl cole yeah? thought she was hot until a saw a pic of her body ugh
  8. tommykins

    Thoughts on cum ?

    girls taste meh would rather ice cream but it's not something i wouldn't do to satisfy her
  9. tommykins

    ITT: FML I hate uni.

    exchange phone numbers for group assignments, that normally does the job.
  10. tommykins

    Simultaneous equations

    what xy = 4, 2x-y = 7 y = 4/x 2x-4/x = 7 multiply by x and solve
  11. tommykins

    Is distinction average a decent grade for engineering?

    surprisingly 1811 isn't that hard, i got 78 for it. just make sure u ace ur labs + assignment (which if ur feeling risky, get the idea fof the code of someone else) and the exam is 50% theory based on the last few weeks
  12. tommykins

    WTS Arcade Stick for PS3

    WTS Arcade Stick for PS3 - Seimetsu buttons with Sanwa JLW Stick (fitted with a Seimetsu spring + square gate but have circle). Has all 6 buttons except for PS Home Button + works on PS2. Mint condition - selling for $120 but can negotiate ! Wooden frame + Steel board, very sturdy with 6 feet...
  13. tommykins

    general UNSW chit-chat

    science and religion is online only
  14. tommykins

    Is distinction average a decent grade for engineering?

    i'm quite curious too. but if you're on a DN average after first year, you're doing really well.
  15. tommykins

    is it just me or is phys1121...

    beg to differ if you introduce multiple choice in 4unit hsc - that's dumbing it down. far less strict on 'knowledge' meh
  16. tommykins

    is it just me or is phys1121...

    i can't believe they dumbed down the course for t he mid sem to be online what the fuck
  17. tommykins

    Climate change-Does it exist

    now he'll just bury this thread like it never happened rather than educate himself on it woo
  18. tommykins

    I saw 2nd yr maths quiz results at my uni and people were getting 6/25, how ...

    nah there's lower courses - fundamental of math etc. Yeah it shits me off, the general clique faggotry of WOO UNI LIFE WOO UNI EVENTS WOO CLUBBING WOOO CRUISES WOOO DRUNK LETS GET DRUNK then come exam time OMG IM SO GNNA FAIL MATH.