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  1. tommykins

    ITT: FML I hate uni.

    thought i had two essays due next week but it turns out one of the essays is due in 5 weeks! FUCK I LOVE UNI.
  2. tommykins

    Quick Inequalties Q. Help!!!

    \frac {x-3}{x^2-x} \geq -2\\\frac{x^2-x}{x-3}\leq \frac{-1}{2}\\x^2-x \leq \frac{1}{2}(x-3)^2\\2(x^2-x)\leq(x-3)^2\\\text{ Solve it from here }
  3. tommykins

    Why the hate on pharmacy?

    ??? ive never heard of any hate on pharmacy.
  4. tommykins

    Pass and honours degrees

    Yeah it depends on the faculty
  5. tommykins

    general UNSW chit-chat

    100 for fluids, avg was 50 fuck im the best
  6. tommykins

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    It is pretty lol, he's not being a dick. Anyone that doesn't realise the stupidity in that quote should be ashamed and embarassed that they even exist.
  7. tommykins

    PC Fanbois

    rofl the small gaps between the keys on the keyboard will fuckin shit everyone off. food + small shit will go through.
  8. tommykins

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    what i've alwyas failed to fathom is when dipshits argue - they claim YOU'RE not answering their questions/points when they're the ones ignoring yours. additionally, when you do answer their point, they reply with another question which only leads to ad infinitum. then when they run out of...
  9. tommykins

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    logic is lacking in this young one
  10. tommykins

    Are you guys proud/ ashamed of studying at UWS?

    lol ... if idiots in my fuckin uni make the census dates, they'd sure as hell make it in uws.
  11. tommykins


    hahaha this or excel ;P
  12. tommykins

    Climate change-Does it exist

    rofl completely and utterly called out.
  13. tommykins

    is it just me or is phys1121...

    phys1121 has a huge learning curve as u get used to it but its actually pretty simple
  14. tommykins

    An Interesting question that yet lies unanswered

    I personally can't see an optimal way of doing it without trial and error. Noting 100^100 = (10^2)^100 = 10^200 (10^66)^3 = 10^198 so it is possible that you're close, altough with your abcd values you'd get 10^198(1+8+27+64) = 100*10^198 = (10^2).(10^198) = 10^200 = 100^100 as above.. maybe...
  15. tommykins

    PC Fanbois

    tbh 95%+ of macfags only have it for the image fuckin drones
  16. tommykins

    An Interesting question that yet lies unanswered

    you can't explicitly find a,b,c and d (i.e assign an actual value to it) seeing as there is an infinite amount of solutions (especially in ^3 where negatives come into play) which is my assumption just looking at it. your solution is realistically the best bet.
  17. tommykins

    general UNSW chit-chat

    hahahah niceee - cdwow or something? can't wait
  18. tommykins

    I saw 2nd yr maths quiz results at my uni and people were getting 6/25, how ...

    ppl were getting 3's/4's out of 10 in 1131 like wtf srsly
  19. tommykins

    Embarrassing or Unusual Addictions

    before i wash my hair, i clean the bottle before i clean mah bodehz, i clean the bottle