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  1. ajdlinux

    Raw mark needed for a Band 4 in standard english?

    Yes, yes it can, because there's no rule that says how many outcomes have to be in this category and how many have to be in that category to get a particular mark within a range. cem can correct me on this, but as far as I understand, within a given mark range the markers can choose the precise...
  2. ajdlinux

    Raw mark needed for a Band 4 in standard english?

    There's no strict rule that says one-mark-per-outcome, the marker is within their rights to use discretion to award marks in accordance with those guidelines. The HSC marking is done with multiple markers and advisory committees and stuff like that so, supposedly, it's fairly consistent.
  3. ajdlinux

    ATAR subject favouritism

    Your subject title should be 'HSC', not 'ATAR' ;) In the Old HSC (pre-2001) they used to offer 3U courses in virtually everything, and also a lot of 4U courses. I'm not sure what justification they had for dropping most of those in the New HSC, but I suspect they would've said something about...
  4. ajdlinux

    HSC Advice Line?

    I've used the service before, it's alright for those little things you sometimes forget, like which chemical is used to test for which ions, or something like that. IIRC there was some plan to scrap the service a while back but they decided to keep it.
  5. ajdlinux

    ATAR estimate

  6. ajdlinux

    Quality of a Band 3, 4, 5 or 6 student

    Yes, borderline, I stand corrected. Still close enough to a band 1 though... And that's really unfortunate for that student. I made that mistake back in year 8 when I missed an entire page, and I'm not going to make it again...
  7. ajdlinux

    Quality of a Band 3, 4, 5 or 6 student There's an example of a band 1 student for you, straight from the official Board of Studies resources. They definitely did attempt the question, and they certainly didn't cheat - they just failed...
  8. ajdlinux

    Quality of a Band 3, 4, 5 or 6 student

    Sorry brad, whoever gave you that information was wrong. The band standards (perfomance descriptors) are explicitly defined by the Board of Studies, and band 1 does not mean you didn't sit the exam. They don't consider anything except for the number of outcomes you've achieved, essentially. To...
  9. ajdlinux

    Morning Allison.

    Morning Allison.
  10. ajdlinux

    I'm at St Columba, I was considering going to MacKillop but decided against it because SCAS is...

    I'm at St Columba, I was considering going to MacKillop but decided against it because SCAS is awesomer. :P
  11. ajdlinux

    Which school?

    Which school?
  12. ajdlinux

    You used to live in Port? Yay Port people.

    You used to live in Port? Yay Port people.
  13. ajdlinux

    Raw Marks

    Actually I'll be more precise; I think Lazarus said that they were aligned linearly between cutoffs, but the alignment factor changes between 50-60, 70-80, etc.
  14. ajdlinux

    Raw Marks

    According to the information Lazarus has gotten from previous Board Bulletins and the like, yes, they are aligned linearly, and 100 raw = 100 aligned. I suppose this means that we could calculate all cutoffs if we had one raw mark that fell in each band.
  15. ajdlinux

    Raw Marks

    Depends on which area. Port, yeah. Kempsey, on the other hand... :P (And we're not 'rural', we're 'regional', now.)
  16. ajdlinux

    had to do this... mines a desperate case!

    No the aligned marks will go up quite significantly from what your raw trial marks are now, I'd say. It still won't go up enough though, and then UAC will do its scaling, and you'll go right down again.
  17. ajdlinux

    Raw Marks

    No, congrats to my fellow Port Macquarie student Hugh Parsonage for spending four years fighting for this. :)
  18. ajdlinux

    had to do this... mines a desperate case!

    Well, 35% in Physics isn't exactly a high mark no matter which way you think about it, unfortunately. General Maths doesn't look too bad; Standard English looks pretty average, and that's still band 3 or so. :( Your best hope is to just study as hard as you can and start thinking about lower...
  19. ajdlinux

    had to do this... mines a desperate case!

    If you wanted to get an ATAR of 80, you'd have to do absolutely brilliantly in the exams. Some of your marks don't look too bad, but for a lot of them you'll be looking at bands 2 and 3. :(
  20. ajdlinux

    Raw Marks

    Well that was actually pretty much it. Process is: 1. Write a letter, addressed to the FOI Coordinator, Office of the Board of Studies NSW, GPO Box 5300, SYDNEY NSW 2001 that says: I make this request under section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (NSW) I request access to my raw...