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  1. Sarah168

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    if, for some reason, you think De Roos is great then the general standard of your lecturer experiences at uni are pretty sub par
  2. Sarah168

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    I hope you're asking that question to avoid him, Latvia :p
  3. Sarah168

    Anyone really dislike extension history?

    The historiography shit can get really boring but some of the readings are amusing (re: catfight between elton and carr i think? or two historians at least. it's been 2 years!! lol) the case study is an unfortunate thing: if you get stuck with one you hate (not necessarily bad but it may not...
  4. Sarah168

    Bonds Hoodies

    damn. how'd you lose it?
  5. Sarah168

    Is it easy to transform (transfer) a course?

    Re: Is it easy to transform a course? I think you mean "transfer" rather than transform :p With USYD, to transfer from one course to another (even if they're in the same faculty...unless it's combined law you're talking about) you have to apply through UAC what courses are you talking about?
  6. Sarah168


    yeah, i hate that painful feeling of suddenly realising how bloody long <insert relevant piece of crappy and tedious assignment> is gonna take :mad:
  7. Sarah168

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    I had Dennis for lecturer (he was great though unlike De Roos) but he did the double negatives thing alot too. I think it's always like that in economics though cos every economics course I've had uses alot of annoying double negatives in questions. Drives you nuts :mad:
  8. Sarah168

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    De Roos doesn't give the impression that he has a personality or anything so expressing anything like mean-ness seems almost impossible...
  9. Sarah168

  10. Sarah168

    Best Economics Textbook

    Its not all stats. People just browse and concentrate on the tables and graphs. The explanations are very good if you can get past that.
  11. Sarah168

    Skincare/Makeup Brands

    they're ok but for really dry lips, they don't last long and you have to keep re applying them. I have the blue one. A better one is the bright red tube of Bonne Bell Lip conditioner. It smells so good and stays on the lips conditioning for aaages.
  12. Sarah168

    govt1105- geopolitics, critical reading assignment.

    random tip: make sure you explicitly go through the annoying qualitative and quantitive crap that he'll tell you about.
  13. Sarah168

    Imagine.......Too Easy?

    The usual rule that applies is: "if the text is not original or not sophisticated then you better have great insight into it to incorporate it into a great essay. If you've got that insight and perception, GREAT! If not..." this case is an exception though. OVER-USED! UNORIGINAL! there are...
  14. Sarah168

    First year meant to be the hardest?

    I gotta say that's true for me. I never wanted to be in a position where I agree with a comment like that but unfortunately I am. It's not too bad but I really thought I could claw my way through a degree that was never really "me". Still clawing haha :)...:(
  15. Sarah168

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2006)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Yeah I gotta agree, the Bull is useless and boring. It used to have some occasional good stuff like that editorial page by the witty and usually politically incorrect writer, can't remember his name, Now its A4 with about 4 glossy pages in total and I still prefer to...
  16. Sarah168

    First year meant to be the hardest?

    I have only started second year and I felt that, academically, 1st year was not exactly difficult. It felt like everything was crazy-hard at the time but looking back, it was pretty easy. The thing is, like everyone has said, the adjustment factor is hard. Not for everyone but I definately had a...
  17. Sarah168

    Most impressive subject

    who's the lecturer for Govt1105 that is so fantastic? cos govt1105 was hellish for me last yr
  18. Sarah168

    Uni help...

    hey there this sub forum is for question about the SAM program. Try posting in these forms and you'll get a better response USYD UNSW UTS...
  19. Sarah168


    "how hitler got the right to do that?" I don't even know how to respond.
  20. Sarah168

    what movie have you cried over???

    bizarre indeed cos that movie is 80% happy! I laughed through most of that movie. Your PMS must be super extreme or something :P