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  1. breaking

    Threadless $10 Tee's

    american apparel ftmfw
  2. breaking

    real or fake? Lacoste

    uh im preeeeeeeetty sure he knew that
  3. breaking

    Outback Steakhouse

    i'd actually pay a fair bit more tbh. $40 is almost average for some places in sydney. i'd probably pay close to double that if i knew the steak would be reeeeally fucking good. it'd just be a one off thing though. mmm, steak.
  4. breaking

    Threadless $10 Tee's

    yeah but why would you want a tshirt with a car accident on it eh
  5. breaking

    Threadless $10 Tee's

    i dont get it
  6. breaking

    can't have sex

    also, the dude who posted this thread is a fuckwit who needs to learn to speak english and word his questions properly, but anyway.... idk if he is talking about no sex just for the short to medium term? that sort of thing wouldn't be my first priority in a relationship anyway... if i was that...
  7. breaking

    can't have sex

    dude...... you..... you....... you post photos like this..... ......... :confused:
  8. breaking

    real or fake? Lacoste

    did 7th sign sell that to you and tell you it was genuine? lol
  9. breaking

    Whats Beter?

    they are all shit, goddamn ugly piece of shit riceboxes that have been thrashed by their fuckwit wog/asian cunt owners.
  10. breaking

    Favorite Energy Drink

    i may or may not have enjoyed drinking mother at one point in time :shy:
  11. breaking

    Favorite Energy Drink

    BP has 4 packs of v for um.. either 5.99 or 6.99 and coles has red bull 4 packs for 7.49 red bull ftmfw though
  12. breaking

    First Car - $5k

    ew, do you want some frangipanis for your vase you fucking faggot
  13. breaking

    First Car - $5k

    yellow monaro ftmfw
  14. breaking

    First Car - $5k

    Re: First Car eh true. i have an 00 magna v6 which i only paid 1500 for. goes pretty fuckin hard
  15. breaking

    DCM'z @ UN

    wu tang is for the children.
  16. breaking

    The Hype Machine

  17. breaking

    First Car - $5k

    Re: First Car V8s ftmfw
  18. breaking

    Threadless $10 Tee's

    lol waf is gonna be wearing a tight pink shirt
  19. breaking

    Threadless $10 Tee's

    fucking HOT! :o
  20. breaking

    Threadless $10 Tee's

    i have an american apparel shirt in S (not from threadless though its my death cab shirt:o) and i definitely wouldnt want any smaller