Search results

  1. breaking

    DCM'z @ UN

  2. breaking

    TAX TAX TAX returns!!

    if i get anything back... i will probably just pay off some bill so i can put more money away each week to save
  3. breaking

    Are You Currently Your Natural Hair Colour?

    75% yes? i refuse to believe that statistic.
  4. breaking


    lol seth jumper
  5. breaking

    We Love Sounds 2008

    crowds at pingerfests are generally just reeeeally fucking shit
  6. breaking

    Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple

  7. breaking

    First Car - $5k

    Re: First Car my sister drives a mirage...
  8. breaking

    Do you think Gatsby overrated?

    nah i don't think you are
  9. breaking

    Do you think Gatsby overrated?

    what if it smells like lollies? :wave:
  10. breaking

    Welcoming.. myself?

    hi mate, welcome to the bos internet. would look at your stuff but my internet is capped until beginning of next month. which actually is now. hmmmmm, should be fast again! :(
  11. breaking

    coheed and cambria tonight...

    yes he loved it, he is just using tomversations hi tiani!
  12. breaking

    coheed and cambria tonight...

    hi tom!
  13. breaking

    Formula One boss in Nazi prostitute ring

    news of the world? what a credible source of information.
  14. breaking

    Sending txt's

    i'm sure serius has some great advice :rolleyes:
  15. breaking

    Sending txt's

    jesus christ mate, if you cant even think of something to say to her in an sms message how are you going to go about it irl :/
  16. breaking

    Songs that turn you on

    wow, congrats! that'll be something to tell the grandkids about! :Lah:
  17. breaking

    what to do?
