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  1. Rafy

    Full fee university payments, Lower ATAR cutoff??

    Full fee paying places were abolished in 2008.
  2. Rafy

    The Woolworths Thread
  3. Rafy

    Employers liable for injuries sustained whilst working at home
  4. Rafy

    New Server

    The site will be migrating to a new server sometime tonight. Please expect the site to be down for a short period as this occurs. The new server will ensure a more reliable and stable site. If you experience any problems please raise them here.
  5. Rafy

    Transforming the UTS Tower IT IS sometimes described as a giant phallic symbol on Sydney's skyline. It seems fitting, then, that architects have proposed sheathing the unloved pile in a vast, elastic...
  6. Rafy

    Timetables (Semester 2, 2011)

    Timetables are out for semester 2!
  7. Rafy

    Should Australia leave Afghanistan?

  8. Rafy

    Pauline Hanson

    She came within 1306 votes of winning a seat. (Out of 4 million votes) 20 BUCKINGHAM Jeremy 105,472 ELECTED 21 JOHNSTON Sarah 104,341 ELECTED HANSON Pauline 103,035 EXCLUDED
  9. Rafy

    What's with Abbott?

  10. Rafy

    today tonight

    that was an evil occasion wasn't it
  11. Rafy

    School Chaplaincy Program

    Re: Chaplain's Absolutely no reason why the program shouldn't involve properly trained counselors instead. It's just successive governments sucking up to the Christian lobby.
  12. Rafy

    Alcohol floor price
  13. Rafy

    Biology In Context The Spectrum Of Life

    Buy it. We can't allow copyright infringement here.
  14. Rafy

    Index of Resources
  15. Rafy


    The Light rail not monorail.
  16. Rafy

    Carbon Tax

    That's an extraordinary claim that's just moving the goal posts as it becomes clear the carbon tax won't actually do anything to stop climate change. The ultimate policy goal of pricing carbon has always been to mitigate human induced climate change. Emissions reduction is simply the means to...
  17. Rafy

    Carbon Tax

    The debate has been about whether we should take action on climate change. This completely ignores that even if we wanted to take action, we actually can't. Australia does not have the ability to stop climate change. The government's carbon tax will not stop it, or even reduce it. Nor will the...
  18. Rafy

    On the spot fine for swearing

    It's irrelevant whether it's enforced or not. The law shouldn't exist in the first place.
  19. Rafy

    On the spot fine for swearing

    NSW has outlawed offensive language since the early 90s. Summary Offences Act 1988 (NSW) 4A Offensive language (1) A person must not use offensive language in or near, or within hearing from, a public place or a school. Maximum penalty: 6 penalty units.