See, UTS used to have that for Fashion Design and then last year I think they changed it to just UAI...
I think that the portfolio should be able to count towards entry... if you have built up a portfolio it shows your interest and potential for the course. But I guess it takes up too much...
I tutor English.... basically what I do is proofread/go through essays/other writing with people. If they have questions about the texts I try to explain and help them understand. If they have an assessment/homework/essay that they need help to write we discuss it so they can synthesize their...
I think that Primary School Teaching/Early Childhood would be the easiest degree in terms of course content... I mean to get to uni, we would all be well beyond primary school level. But I think that the application of the theory/knowledge to practical teaching would be somewhat a challenge...
Yes you can transfer.... it may not be easy, but if you try your hardest in communications, get one of your tutors or lecturers to recommend you and maintain your portfolio you will have a damn good chance. If you portfolio is good, then you would have a good chance of getting the...
LOL recommencement party last year was hilarious.... I walked in and was like "WTF?" lol so funny...
Though Bollywood is kinda cooler now than it was a year ago....
So true.... because I live in housing, I have almost been killed by croszing the road (brodway) in a drunken stupor.... actually it almost happen five minutes ago coming home from a big party.
Loft.... see ugly staircase that comes off the side of the tower (near the walkway to Bon Marche)... walk down, follow signs.
Clare... stand out front of tower... look across the road.... see pub... cross the road.
LOL.... three hours work for every one hour at class? That's the funniest thing I have heard this week lol.
I would be lucky to do three hours work out of class in a week, let alone per hour of class lol!!!!!
I was seriously tempted to give directions to the Loft and the Clare in my...
I think that the left doesn't totally dominate campus life however it is probably a much larger proportion at uni than in society in general.
I'm a bit to the left myself.... but the Students Association is often far, far left. I don't mind paying for the student union... it provides good...
lol.... UTS Housing had a pub crawl the night before.....
I was going to tell them where the Clare and the Loft are but I didn't think that the journo lecturers would appreciate it lol.
I was thinking of joining debsoc but I don't know if I will have the time with work and uni etc..... what kind of time committment does debsoc require?
It wasn't at O Day, it was at the faculty welcome... I had to get up in front of all the journo students and talk... and I was last so there wasn't much left to be said lol I don't think I made much sense! (Plus I was slightly hung over lol)