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  1. kami

    Trouble with Online Enrolment

    It is just a troll, don't worry about it.
  2. kami

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread You guys don't want to open up this barrell of snakes:p Me: No job Windows XP home Laser mp3, 1gb capacity - but my computer has less than 20gb capacity left. My Ls ran out and RTA refused to renew them. My mobile is six or seven years...
  3. kami

    The suckyness of simultaneous equations - please help!

    3^0 = 1 x + y = 0 x = y 2(3^x) = 10/3 3^x = 5/3 and then you make x the subject and use your calculator to find out what it is. I'm not 100% sure if that is how you're meant to do it since its been a while for me. But oh well, I tried.
  4. kami

    question about o week

    I'd think you would get tired of it after a while though - after all doing the exact same thing in the exact same place everynight wouldn't exactly be exciting after an entire year let alone 3 years +
  5. kami

    should i drop it? advice, please!

    If your friends' dropping out of a subject gives you that much incentive to do likewise then you shall have alot of problems in either TAFE or university should you decide to pursue them, as people drop out of there all the time. Instead you should ask yourself whether you think you can cope...
  6. kami

    Which subjects have final exams?

    All humanities subjects except for one second year pub comm subjects lack exams, as do a fair portion of education and design subjects. So far as I know, everything else that is undergraduate level at UTS has exams. Here are the business school's contact details if you wish to know more.
  7. kami

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread Welcome to UTS. :) So what course will you be doing here?
  8. kami

    question about o week

    That generally doesn't happen at most unis unless you live on campus, and even if you live on campus at UTS you still don't get daily parties lol.
  9. kami

    timetabling question

    It is important to remember that your tutors will have been sitting in those same lectures as you will and the tutes don't start till the tutors get there. So allow for 10 minutes or so between the lectures and the tutes after them. When I was doing classes like this for Power & Change last...
  10. kami

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    My apologies then, I'd confused you with the poster previously known as Vahl3. Its a criticism of you commencing your argument with an insult based on the fact that you do not agree with me. Thats the fallacy I was most directly refering to, among others. My point is that these sensible...
  11. kami


    Once you go in they'll give you a form to sign and jot in all of your details - then you'll have your HECS-HELP (the loan). Its not really that difficult either, there will be people there to guide you with what you need to do. Once this is done you can defer your fees or pay them (most defer...
  12. kami

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    May I suggest that you look to eliminate the fallacies in your own argument before criticising anothers. Especially since you do law. Perhaps you would do well to note that I have not been referring to the US system, rather I have been referring to our own system which comprises measures that...
  13. kami

    BA comm journalism / law ~ HELP!

    It would probably take 5.5 years since you'd have missed out on a couple of law subjects in first year and the double degree does slightly more than the standard full time load (not by much though). I honestly would just go for grad law at UTS after your degree, requires less mucking around at...
  14. kami

    Trouble with Online Enrolment

    Generally it should go through pretty quickly, however because you're late round it might work on a different time-frame. Try again tommorow and see if it works, if it doesn't then try giving UTS a call so that they can sort it out for you.
  15. kami

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    How can a rank that includes a multitude of irrelevant studies be better than those series of tests? Also, keep in mind that it is not whether a year 9 student can ace them, it is about who shows the most aptitude through these results. Obviously the most keen and apt students would demonstrate...
  16. kami

    Combined Degree Questions

    The pros are that you gain access to a whole different specialisation that you previously would not with the added versatility in job opportunities. Also combined degrees are often complementary, with one degree supplementing skills developed in the other. You also are able to recieve two...
  17. kami

    Creative Responses

    Every piece uses techniques - whether its in how you make your characters talk, how you put the scenes together etc. its all technique. So no one is asking you to force the inclusion of techniques so much as to change it from a crime fiction, more likely it is that you demonstrate that you can...
  18. kami

    second/third offers

    All universities with vacancies will consider you for the late and final rounds. So you can still be offered a place in communications though I cannot advise you as to how likely you would be to recieve such an offer.
  19. kami

    Semester 1: 2007 Buying & Selling Books Thread

    A Course Reader contains extracts from various journals and publications that the lecturer has deemed relevant to the course, each reading would correspond to the topic of the week. All of the extracts are printed on A4 paper and bound with a basic paper cover (which tends to fray or fall off)...
  20. kami

    Laptops and uni.

    Thats why its good for train trips. ;)