Search results

  1. kami

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Re: What would you like to see on BOS 2007? In some other forums they a little box at the bottom right of each post, and you can click them so that you can accumulate several quotes into your reply without having to go back and copy paste them all into your post. For example, I could 'quick...
  2. kami

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Re: What would you like to see on BOS 2007? I'd like to see the quick quote function enabled. :) And on the uni notes thing, it just seems way easier to have discussion threads in the forums ... as notes just seem kinda pointless since we can't really submit summaries, assignments or past...
  3. kami

    Getting There

    If you're going by public transport, I think the quickest way is to get a train to Lindfield and then from there a bus to Kuringai. If you needed to, you could probably also catch the bus from Chatswood.
  4. kami

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread You just made me cry a little bit inside. :(
  5. kami

    Neil Gaiman - Amirite?

    'Anansi boys' is great, it is kind of sort of but not really a sequel to 'American Gods' in that it features a minor character from that title but completely goes off on its own tangent. 'Tis great stuff. His new one 'Fragile Things' (which I'm in the middle of) is an assortment of short...
  6. kami

    Communications:Roll Call!/Getting to know you!

    I'm second year, but I'll be doing 2 first year subjects that I didn't complete last year. So it is likely I'll run into some of you new kids (even if I don't know it:p), I'll be doing Rethinking Culture and Colonialism & Modernity in the afternoon sessions by the looks of it.
  7. kami

    Neil Gaiman - Amirite?

    One of the coolest authors that I've ever had the honour of reading has been Neil Gaiman, so I was just wondering how many of you have read his works? What did you think? Favourite characters? etc. For those that haven't .... better get started! Go get some Neverwhere or some Anansi Boys inta...
  8. kami

    confused about timetables...

    You will be enrolling into the subjects for both semesters, therefore all 8 subjects. In general most students will be following the given outline (there's not much of a reason to deviate from it) of subjects to enroll in, so it would be a good idea for you to do the same (unless you have a...
  9. kami

    Student ID Cards

    I believe they simply send out a replacement with the photo they have on file since that is what they're doing with the new cards the continuing students have recieved. Here is the form that you need to put in for a new card:
  10. kami

    English Ext 1 - Worth Doing?

    Doing a subject you enjoy is always worth it, and if you enjoy english then the english extensions will be right up your alley. As someone who does enjoy english I found ext 1 (and ext 2) to be the most fulfilling of the subjects I undertook in the HSC as they allow for a more indepth look at a...
  11. kami

    Deferring for more than 12 months

    When I asked about this sort of thing with my university they said that so long as you studied one subject in the year, then you didn't need to seek leave for time in that year. So if your university follows the same policy then you'd be ok, however it is probably best to give them a ring and check.
  12. kami

    Buying A Computer Throught HECS?

    Re: Buying A Computer Through HECS? Uh, you might be able to claim a tax deduction on the computer depending on the circumstances, but you can't choose what HECS covers - it is for your tuition fees only.
  13. kami

    Csp Help

    Partial payment is where you intend to make voluntary repayments throughout your education, should you make a voluntary payment over a certain amount (I assume $500) then you get a discount. There is no real set time at which you should make this payment, and you're not required to pay it (as it...
  14. kami

    enrolment stupidity

    If they don't appear then its probably just an administrative bungle - in which case you should get the IIS to help you out, here are their contact details: 9514 1574
  15. kami

    confused :S

    You most likely will have to fill in another CAF, but as the above poster states: you should ring UTS for confirmation.
  16. kami

    TAFE to UTS

    If you're a mature age student then it will most likely be using only your Diploma results, if you are not a mature age student, then I believe it will be a combination of Diploma results and UAI. Either way an average will be calculated from your Diploma results and transformed into a 4 digit...
  17. kami

    i missed out chinese at ultimo tafe!!!

    As has been said above, being put on a waiting list doesn't mean you won't get in as peoples' circumstances change. Additionally, you should check out other campuses that run it or try OTEN if you want to do it through correspondence.
  18. kami

    Enrolling in subjects - Old student

    I know what is usually in my study plan, I was asking what was on his in case it was any different from normal as that would say more about what the problem is.
  19. kami

    Enrolling in subjects - Old student

    What exactly happens when you try to open your 'my study plan'?
  20. kami

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    Updated, and congrats to everyone so far. :)