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  1. Sathius005

    Australian Political Economy

    You might want to say just because I believe in decency for ordinary Australians and having strong welfare rights, having a strong safety net, a pro business free market economy and flexible working conditions that I am from the Loony left. You Sir William are quiet alienated from mainstream...
  2. Sathius005

    Australian Political Economy

    William mate, you are a climate change denier, an asylum seeker human rights denier, an apologist for the sexist and misogynist Tony Abbott. You are a hollow, bitter and incompetent man. Unlike you William, who is doing the easy career path via Bachelor of Arts (Modern History) and Dip Ed I am...
  3. Sathius005

    Australian Political Economy

    The Global Financial Crisis is as a result of uncontained greed and exuberant managerial practises that is a civil wrong, a tort and an act of negligence. The GFC is a crisis spreading across a side street front: it is a monetary crisis which has become a general trade and industry crisis; which...
  4. Sathius005

    Australian Political Economy

    The global financial crisis is not a failure of public policy and under regulation but an ethos that heavy handed regulation is toxic and crushes the risk taking, wealth creation and entrepreneurship that underline American society. It is not the greatest regulatory failure in modern history but...
  5. Sathius005

    Australian Political Economy

    Neo-liberalism is what has made the American economy great; after thirty years since the ideological and intellectual triumph of neo- liberalism. Free market economics along with strong welfare rights is what has made Western society great. We need corporations; nobody wants to go back to an...
  6. Sathius005

    Australian Political Economy

    A) I am cautiously optimistic about the Australian economy. I believe economic growth will pick up in the short to medium term. Thanks to the medium term economic stimulus of the Rudd/ Gillard government Australia should stay out of Recession in 2013 and 2014. B) Chinese and Indian growth is...
  7. Sathius005

    Australian Political Economy

    A) Will the Australian economy go into recession in 2013 and 2014? B) Is Chinese and Indian economic growth weakening in 2013? C) Will the mining boom decline within the next twenty years? D) Is neo-liberalism to blame for the Global Financial Crisis? The global financial crisis has called...
  8. Sathius005

    The Nova Peris decision

    As a Labor party worker and insider; this Nova Peris decision was aimed at being a pro affirmative action public policy and public relations stunt. To get voters switched on to the Labor message. In the January Newspoll it shows Labor neck and neck with the Coalition (51 per cent Coalition and...
  9. Sathius005

    Fundamentals of Business Finance Spring 2009 Past papers

    Here are some very elite Fundamentals of Business Finance past papers. The past papers are attached below. Doing these practice questions will aid you in securing a solid mark for the subject. I highly suggest that you have a look at the Finmid file which the 2009 spring exam paper for the...
  10. Sathius005

    How do you handle breaks?

    For my break I study at the UTS Library, help out mates by working as a team and sharing resources as a study group at the Library and I have coffee and chat with friends.
  11. Sathius005

    Advice to Adam Bandt MP for Melbourne

    My advice to Adam is to help the Greens lurch to the right on key issues of public policy including border protection. Stop the boats we must. Stop the boats we will. Thank you, Julia Gillard for upgrading the Pacific Solution and bringing in the no advantage test to stop que jumpers/ asylum...
  12. Sathius005

    Advice to Adam Bandt MP for Melbourne

    The Greens Deputy Leader, Dr Adam Bandt ( PhD in law and politics from Monash University) is facing the prospect of losing his seat at the 2013 federal election due to a possible decision by the Victorian Liberals to preference the Australian Labor Party ahead of the Australian Greens. If you...
  13. Sathius005

    Some light guess work: Lib Policy for the Election 2013

    The name Work Choices might not be coming back but elements of industrial relations deregulation policies under a Coalition government will be implemented. This includes tweaking unfair dismissal laws and bringing back Australian Workplace Agreements.
  14. Sathius005

    Advice to first year law students

    How do you read a law text book? The way I do it is: A) Skim read for ten minutes -read the chapter summary -read the text book questions -read the Introduction -read the topic sentences B) Reading and writing Read the key points of the text book make notes and relate the key points...
  15. Sathius005

    Advice to Julia Gillard

    If you were working as a policy analyst and political advisor for Julia Gillard what would you say?
  16. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Re: 2013 Australian Federal election Julia Gillard is the Iron Lady of Australian politics while Tony Abbott is the mouse of Australian politics.
  17. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Re: 2013 Australian Federal election RE: Lolsmith I am the gift that keeps giving. The secret to life is giving. "Ask and you shall receive. Search and you will find. If you want an open door of opportunity you have to go knocking on doors."
  18. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Re: 2013 Australian Federal election I play to win unlike you mate will90211. Winner takes all.
  19. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Re: 2013 Australian Federal election Julia Gillard is destined to become Australia's second longest serving PM overtaking John Howard.
  20. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Re: 2013 Australian Federal election Moreover, the Australian electorate hates Tony Abbott more than they hate Julia Gillard. Gillard is more popular than Abbott according to Newspoll.