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  1. Aplus

    Choosing Yr 11 Subjects..xD

    10-20 people do 2 Unit.
  2. Aplus

    Should I leave at the end of this year?

    I would advise heavily against it.
  3. Aplus

    What does the HSC mean to you?

    What does the HSC mean to you? A lot How much do you want to succeed? A lot What does it mean to you if you fail? It means I have failed. What are the repercussions of failing/going bad? I'm disappointed in myself, my parents are disappointed in me, and the extended family starts...
  4. Aplus

    How to go good with the least work possible...

    You're just going to have to keep your head down and work hard.
  5. Aplus

    Writing a good response

    Keep it concise and stick to the facts. No irrelevant information needed.
  6. Aplus

    What should i choose for my historical investigation?

    You should choose a controversial topic of interest which has caused divide and debate between historians. This will give you an opportunity to critically formulate personal opinion and critical analysis of the topic. Also, when conducting your historical investigation, you should be looking...
  7. Aplus

    Need 3u Yr11 Cambridge Question Solutions

    Wrong question.
  8. Aplus


    Thanks. I need more fuel to enhance my hatred for the whole History course. :mad:
  9. Aplus

    In search of notes

    You could try the Resources section or try visiting the forum boards relevant to your subjects.
  10. Aplus


    3 Unit English, Legal and Ancient History look like pretty strong scaling subjects.
  11. Aplus


    "Lovely Sid, and lovely Michelle are fucking." Classic quote lol.
  12. Aplus

    wot subject shuld i drop

    You haven't provided enough sufficient information for me to look thoroughly at your situation. Also since you've failed all of them, it looks like a very hard decision. Logically Biology is your worst subject, if analysed through ranks, but then again, Legal isn't that far away, and since I...
  13. Aplus

    Half-Yearly Thoughts

    Who taught you people German?
  14. Aplus

    Studying at night?

    Get a laptop or disconnect the internet?
  15. Aplus

    studying past papers

    That was my point. Why else do you think I was rebutting his comment?
  16. Aplus

    Half-Yearly Thoughts

    Good luck :)
  17. Aplus

    Distractions, not working hard, laziness.

    Well I just added the fail part to be extreme.
  18. Aplus

    studying past papers

    Yeah, but in a relaxed environment you might go and look through your notes and stuff, so it wouldn't really be a realistic observation of your progress.
  19. Aplus

    Distractions, not working hard, laziness.

    This is my parents' logic: They came to Australia with minimal contacts and minimal funds and still managed to set up family and career despite language barriers. I was born here with no language barriers, good financial support and good family support. Therefore I should be successful.
  20. Aplus

    Half-Yearly Thoughts

    Sure it isn't. You could say that for every school.