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  1. Sarah168

    ...which ECO studies guide is better....

    i didnt buy excel but had a left over copy from my brother. i just browsed it when i wasnt in the mood to actually study but didnt want to feel guilty
  2. Sarah168


    It's a very good explanation but I think it would be difficult for someone who only has basic HSC economics knowledge to grasp the concepts you explained, twisted. although you mentioned things like deadwieght loss, full employment level of output etc, those things are not so easy to...
  3. Sarah168

    ...which ECO studies guide is better....

    not really sure if you need a study guide but i'd probably take mq over excel for the overall course guide one big tip: leading edge model exam responses booklets (4 in the series. one for each topic)
  4. Sarah168

    Books vs. Loose Paper

    a4 books to do work in and individual binders for filing away handouts and notes
  5. Sarah168

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    micro would be better if you had dennis!
  6. Sarah168

    Australian Music Scene

    ROFL i love lo-tel (that one random songof theirs...angel? or something like that! argh dont know it but wheni hear it randomly, im all ears!) i like motor ace too :)
  7. Sarah168

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    macro has answers's just that they are very..."variable". sigh
  8. Sarah168

    Michael Buble concert

    i can't believe im saying this because i spend half my life whining about this crooner but i really like that "home" song :o
  9. Sarah168

    How much maths is needed for a commerce degree?

    this is just from my experience at usyd microeconomics (pre req unit) = abit of linear algebra, teeny bit of calculus and i mean tiny cos it was just simple differentiation of basic equations, abit of basic algebra in re arranging equations and substitution macroeconomics = err addition...
  10. Sarah168

    Will the UAI for Commerce go up??

    for the record, you will spend most of your time in the merewether building and it's a 1 minute walk across city road :rolleyes: if you really do get desperate about "pretty grounds" then u can choose to do your accounting hw whilst sprawled around the quad and front lawns amongst students...
  11. Sarah168

    Wats a technocrat?

    this might be an interesting thread a little related to this discussion
  12. Sarah168

    How useful are Economics and Business Studies in Uni?

    hsc eco will probably help alot i didnt do bus studies in yr 12 (just yr 11) but i found acct fairly easy to get a grasp on if taught properly at uni eco can be hell if u happen to get a bad lecturer and the graphs and theories are flying whoosh! over your head
  13. Sarah168

    Australian Idol 2005

    Argh Daniel Spillane. Out!!!! Now!!!!!!
  14. Sarah168

    possible 2005 HSC economic extended response

    i don't wanna guess but be careful not to rule out topics tested in 2004.
  15. Sarah168

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    we're aware you have been infatuated for awhile stas.....
  16. Sarah168

    Will the UAI for Commerce go up??

    all i know is that it's unpredictable (look at last yr when everyone got into a panic and then the UAI's went down unexpectedly for quite few courses) and depends on demand and supply perhaps minai or some other more knowledgeable (sp?) people can make an educated guess though
  17. Sarah168

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    ahaha i forgot about Frank (:eek: ). But yeah, he's pretty cool
  18. Sarah168

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    whoops, i thought you were okay with maths being a lab sciences student. head straight for ecop1001 then haha that happened in econ1001 too. most people just got crash courses (i.e 2 minute speeeedy calculus lesson) during the tutes.
  19. Sarah168

    Is it vital to have a quote in you thesis.

    a philosophical quote is not a thesis a thesis is a carefully thought out argument or stance that is sustained and argued throughout the essay a philosophical quote can support a thesis and maybe clarify succinctly to the reader what your thesis is, but it is no replacement for an actual...
  20. Sarah168

    Which Shall I Listen To Next?

    parachutes >>>>>>>>>> X&Y :D