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  1. MoonlightSonata

    CLAW1001 Thread

    Joe changed his name to Giuseppe ;) maybe to get back in touch with his Italian roots or something
  2. MoonlightSonata

    Campfires on beaches?

    No I won't! Even though I never have. I also haven't seen anyone start fires on my beach or the remains of such a fire there
  3. MoonlightSonata

    Favourite High Court Justice

    Both :) (But note Mason's assertion it has nothing to do with probability, whereas if you ask what "far-fetched and fanciful" lends itself to, it is actually referring to probability. Eg. something can be possible but still far-fetched and fanciful, thus it must be something more than...
  4. MoonlightSonata

    Favourite High Court Justice

    I still have qualms with Mason's bogus use of language for "far-fetched and fanciful." He was supposed to talk at UNSW last week but I missed the opportunity to see him! I would have liked to question him about that.
  5. MoonlightSonata

    hmmm i was wondering this thing on torts

    Of course, currently there is no tort of privacy in Australia. So the question is really about whether the intentional torts are sufficient to protect one's privacy.
  6. MoonlightSonata

    Campfires on beaches?

  7. MoonlightSonata

    HECS Vs FEE Loan

    Firstly, you can choose whether to pay HECS or FEES. If you choose HECS, it is the normal UAI cut-off and you will gain a debt which is garnished from your salary once you reach a certain amount. If you choose FEES, the cut-off will be up to 5 points lower than the HECS cut-off, but you...
  8. MoonlightSonata

    Farm subsidies

    Bloody farmers, they can water their crops with their own tears! (dave hughes)
  9. MoonlightSonata

    Breaking News: Schappelle Corby found guilty!

    To some extent - it depends on the crime.
  10. MoonlightSonata

    Breaking News: Schappelle Corby found guilty!

    Yes that is correct, and more or less the same here
  11. MoonlightSonata

    Ban on Gay Marriage

    Straight as an arrow. But notice this does not predispose me to grind up my brain into little cubes, throw them at the fan and watch as all my logic is shattered into tiny little pieces of hate that other morons pick up and eat. Btw, studies have been done that indicate homophobic men are...
  12. MoonlightSonata

    Breaking News: Schappelle Corby found guilty!

    People do dangerous and sometimes stupid things for money. Further, if she thought she could get away with it, it wouldn't seem that stupid to her. She could be in collusion with other people, taking a share of it. Or, though more unlikely, she could have had friends who produced it.
  13. MoonlightSonata

    Chances of a transfer

    Not without marks at least in a close range to what is required.
  14. MoonlightSonata

    Chances of a transfer

    A good estimate can be made, but this will require: - this year's cut-off for the course - the entire list of your subject results (Pass, Credit, Distinction, not the actual numbers) for every subject you've studied at uni and what you expect to get in this year's subjects. Find those and...
  15. MoonlightSonata

    Breaking News: Schappelle Corby found guilty!

    Interesting how it's the exact shape to fit the bodyboard bag
  16. MoonlightSonata

    Is Law Boring?

    aren't they supposed to be seminars
  17. MoonlightSonata

    The official IR reform thread!

    Isn't that their own fault?
  18. MoonlightSonata

    Design your cabinet!!!

    Why thankyou As long as I don't decay into Ruddock's zombie-like appearance I'd like AG :P