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  1. braindrainedAsh

    Core: WW1

    What was it about? What was it like? Was it what you expected? Hard or easy? Post your thoughts on the WW1 core questions here!
  2. braindrainedAsh

    how prepared are you?

    Hey, go to bed everyone and get some sleep... you can't function properly in the exam if you are tired. Don't stress, good luck!
  3. braindrainedAsh

    Finished in 45 min

    Our school had a policy that you couldn't leave exams early hehe! You had to stay to the end no matter what.
  4. braindrainedAsh

    World War One Full Sentence?

    I think that rhapsody's point is valid... just put down enough information to answer the question fully in those short answers ones.
  5. braindrainedAsh

    Good Luck MH Class of '04!!!

    I didn't sleep much before my modern exam because I thought I needed to study more.... I think sleep deprivation was what got me my HSC mark, which was 5 marks below what I scored in the trial. A good sleep allows your brain to process and organize the information you have learned, so try and...
  6. braindrainedAsh

    Good Luck MH Class of '04!!!

    Good luck everyone for tomorrow. I hope this forum has been a helpful resource in your preparations. Tomorrow there should be an "exam thoughts" forum up so you can all whinge/vent/celebrate after the exam so post all of your exam thoughts in there. My thoughts are with you all, and I am sure...
  7. braindrainedAsh

    2005 Enrolment - CONTINUING Students

    If I can see my study plan online and can enrol online, do I have to still attend an enrolment session as well? It's so confusing!
  8. braindrainedAsh

    Leaving ur loved ones behind...?

    I moved away from home for uni, and while it is a great experience, it's even difficult to maintain your relationships with friends back home sometimes... sometimes I feel like I have two separate lives and I move in between them... I haven't been home for about 5 months now so I can't wait to...
  9. braindrainedAsh

    thread for bitter single people

    I'm a bit bitter because everyone seems to be hooking up except me... I've always been single.... I don't mind that much but I don't want to be single forever!
  10. braindrainedAsh

    Call Back!!

    When is call back? I'd be interested to go and watch it... I saw the NSW Schools State Dance Festival and it was a really good show, so I would be interested to see the best HSC dance works.
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Don't know what i'll do on Monday

    This sort of shit happened to me all the time... girls can be so bitchy. It is upsetting, but ultimately this sort of crap sorts out your real friends from the phoneys. Just introduce yourself to people you haven't talked to before.... do you have people outside of your group who you are...
  12. braindrainedAsh

    What DONT you like about YOUR uni

    I love UTS, but these are the bad things: -Salmonella city (AKA the food court in the union centre).... it really needs a makeover -Not that great an on campus social life -Some buildings are ugly -Not enough grass -Electioneering (lately) -There needs to be some cheaper food on campus...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    Cambodia Doco On Tonight

    For all you poor little HSC people, if you are up late studying and don't have an exam tomorrow there is a documentary called "Cambodia: The Bloodiest Domino" on ABC at 12.35 tonight. I have watched it and it could be useful for revision... something a bit different to pawing over notes anyway...
  14. braindrainedAsh

    germany totalitarianism

    You should probably mention both, but you probably don't need a massive amount of detail about volksgemeinshaft, just something which gives the general idea of it.
  15. braindrainedAsh

    JuSt A qUiCk QuEsTiOn ---- In ThE ExAm CaN i Do A diFfeRent TopiC ThAn We studied?

    I think it's risky... very risky. I would stick with what you were taught in class... it's so late as well! If you decided in June that you wanted to do UN then maybe you could have gotten all the information you need, but I personally think it would be really silly to do a different module at...
  16. braindrainedAsh


    I'm earning the $16K in 18 months while at uni.... crazyness!!!! But it isn't that hard to earn enough to live away, as long as you have a semi decent job. I support myself and I live in the middle of Sydney where rent (well, everything) is most expensive. You just have to be careful with...
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Memorising modern essays...

    More beneficial than memorizing essays would be to think about what content you would have in an essay which is focused on one of the dot points for a topic, or one of the key concepts e.g. democracy, totalitarianism (it depends on the module). That way you shouldn't get a question where you...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    Modern history 2005, not running!

    I'm not sure if they offer it through Open High School, but maybe you could do it via correspondence with a formal class held with a teacher once or twice a week or something... if you really show that you want to do it they may be able to figure something out. Find a modern teacher who is...
  19. braindrainedAsh

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    A person who truly has high morals will still maintain their moral standards, drunk or not... someone who deep down wants their halo to slip will let it slip whenever they have the slightest excuse....
  20. braindrainedAsh

    How do you manage to pay to live on campus?

    I manage to work enough for me to pay to live away from home at uni.... this is in Sydney, where it costs heaps heaps HEAPS more than Bathurst, Albury (my home town) and Wagga Wagga... if you really want the degree, you will find a way to pay to live away from home... even if it means taking a...