Search results

  1. braindrainedAsh

    Uni/Transfer help

    Frazzle, it's really quite easy to transfer in to international studies after first year, so do viscomm if you don't get the UAI and you should be able to transfer in to the double. As for journo/law, it's going to be hard to transfer from anywhere. Internal transfers are difficult. The...
  2. braindrainedAsh

    Chaser Decides

    Argh crap I have to work on Thurs night and I don't have a VCR to tape it! Shit!
  3. braindrainedAsh


    Oh the skits are a crack up, we always watch it on the TV screens in the tents because every night the audience members do something different. The laughter coming out of the tent is so loud you can hear it all around fox studios.
  4. braindrainedAsh


    What did you guys think of the show?
  5. braindrainedAsh

    HELP! How do I write an outstanding personal statement for the Usyd Scholarship?

    Yeah that's really good Tommy, good luck with it!
  6. braindrainedAsh


    I've heard they are great as well, a guy I work with went on one to Europe and had an awesome time.
  7. braindrainedAsh

    Job satisfaction

    I like my current job. The pay is decent, the majority of people are really nice, and we have good staff parties. It's kinda different and it's a once in a lifetime kind of job that I know I will look back on with fond memories. The work itself is fairly mundane and sometimes the managers can...
  8. braindrainedAsh


    I think it would only be Dr if they had completed their PhD or a medicine degree....
  9. braindrainedAsh

    Can anyone relate?

    This may come off as sounding like a whinge or a vent, but I'm just wondering is anyone can relate to my situation.... and it's also a bit of self reflection really.... I've never been in a relationship before.... not that it bothers me because I have never really been looking for one.... but...
  10. braindrainedAsh

    HELP! How do I write an outstanding personal statement for the Usyd Scholarship?

    Yeah it means one sided.... but I used a smaller font and changed the page margins in order to fit more in.... Don't worry if yours is not the same as mine, it's by no means definative.... heck I didn't even win the scholarship lol just got short listed....
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Chaser Decides

    I love the whole vote for the greens to ease your middle class guilt thing lol. Also, the ballot papers for those in guantanomo bay was great, especially since Howard actually sent them postal votes... also the ringing in to the radio stations and reciting the whole Howard ad lol.... also the...
  12. braindrainedAsh

    Chaser Decides

    This show was so funny I laughed so hard!!! There were so many funny things in it I don't know where to start!!!! Who else watched it? What do you think...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    BOS - Bored of Sydney!!

    Man, if you think Sydney is boring you need to spend a few weeks out in the country haha.... spending your life in the city must have made you unable to entertain yourself... I don't even have a car, and I rarely get bored in Sydney.
  14. braindrainedAsh

    Australian Political Parties

    I'm going to vote for the HEMP party..... not....
  15. braindrainedAsh

    Latham - education

    1. Labor is not anti-choice. You can still send your kids to a private school if you have the money. The amounts they are taking off each of those top schools aren't that much really compared to what those schools would rake in each year. They aren't trying to cripple private schools, they...
  16. braindrainedAsh

    Youth Allowence...

    Oh ok.... so you get your YA payment. Then you can earn your $232 a fortnight.... so that's just over $6000 a year. Then you can earn another $6000 on top of that annually because of the income bank? Is that right?? Because if it is that is awesome..... I thought that you could only get...
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Modern History Studying Tips

    I'll just post this to say that I personally would recommend that at this stage of your revision, practice essays are the go.... check out the essay topics threads on the boards for ideas. The best idea is to do the questions which are not similar to the ones you have done before, that way...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    How much do you earn?

    It depends on the job..... when I was 18 I was being paid 11.80 an hour to work in a cafe, but now I'm 19 and at a different job I get paid $17.50 an hour.... it all just depends on the job.
  19. braindrainedAsh

    Youth Allowence...

    With YA, how does the income bank thing work? Is that income bank a yearly thing? Because I heard a rumor that if you take 2 weeks off work your income bank goes back to zero, but that sounded really unlikely to me.
  20. braindrainedAsh

    Survivor Vanuatu

    Guys, a reminder that Survivor Vanuatu starts tonight! Yay! 7.30 on Nine. Some of the people in the tribe sound like they will be interesting characters. I wonder what twists they will try and bring in to it this time, I don't think it could be anywhere near as good as All Stars was. So...