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  1. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Ohhh NOooo :( I just went to the kitchen to get a coffee... but to my surprise.. there was a box of mNm's (u know the fundraiser ones). I think I ate a quarter of it :s.... i told my dad off for buying them and i made him hide them from me lol I also had a coconut drink! shit... thats...
  2. clairegirl

    MQ students..the meaning behind your screennames!

    lol your so lazy pb :P oooh what are your three names?
  3. clairegirl

    MQ students..the meaning behind your screennames!

    Because I want to know...and because im procrastinating What are the meanings behind your BOS screen names? LOL ..., iambored etc are not excempt from this thread.. i still want to know I'll start. Claire- because as a kid i was dissatisfied with my name "Anne" because it sounds so...
  4. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    lol i like how you think.... hrrrmmm... anyone else wanna go?
  5. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Salsa sounds fun but i'de feel unco lol are you teaching it glitter? In other news.. i went to the gym today as planned.. felt so good to sweat properly again, i was checking people out today and *droool* no wonder i love going to the gym! ;) lol 45 mins on cross trainer 30 mins of...
  6. clairegirl

    Seeking 3rd/4th yr psych students for PSY222 guidance...

    Omg that's soo true! I failed ACST101 the first time because i didn't care... i was constantly getting 5%'s or 2%'s in my weekly assignments (out of 100%) because i didn't care. Only people that give up or don't care fail uni subjects...
  7. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    ooh glitter... im liking the brocli put into your diet today :D... i like your lunch! sounds nice.. brocli/meat and noodles ... might try that tommorow
  8. clairegirl

    Anyone whos done\doing PSY222, need help

    yeah you sound like your on the right track.. well it sounds like what i did anywho.. from what i can remember
  9. clairegirl

    Seeking 3rd/4th yr psych students for PSY222 guidance...

    You must be talking about asylum lol whose got over 10 000 posts! bless him hehe. Don't worry, these boards do get addicting and you'll be up in the tripple digits in no time lol i check these boards as much as i do my email (at least twice a day, anything less than that and i get antzy :s)...
  10. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Today so far. really good :D Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs (i was in a rush so i just grabbed anything) Lunch: steamed bok choy and steamed chicken Dinner: Pending, a multi-grain sandwich with alphalpha sprouts and steamed chicken probably Snack: 2 apples Excercise: I'm determined to goto...
  11. clairegirl

    Anyone whos done\doing PSY222, need help

    urrm i don't think you need three variables its not like your going to use the third one in ur syntax. I could be wrong. but you labeling the strategies sounds good... but you should do it like strategy score 1 36.02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3...
  12. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    yurrm lucky girl! i wish i could eat that stuff daily! but i buy my own veggies and meat.. i can't afford it :( i can barely afford the fish n chicken i buy weekly :'( i hate being a uni student! i eat separately from my family coz they all eat shit, but only my bro n dad can afford to.. my...
  13. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    really?oh i must've done a different detox diet (there's different ones out there) coz i was eating eggs (the freerange kind lol) and organic chicken and everything lol. My friend was doing the same detox diet as me , it was really weird because she was feeling really sick and lethargic for...
  14. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    aww pb whats wrong with you? :s you threw up heaps
  15. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    mmm the benefits are debateable... and whether they stem from the detoxing ur system of toxins or whether they just come from eating healthier lol. I dunno, i did it and i liked it.. i was eating pancakes, soy milk, shitloads of veggies and other stuff lol it was great! I didn't get those...
  16. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    hey yeah definately glitter, completely agree with you on not depriving yourself of carbs... I did it for two weeks... i felt more energy but my "cheat" days where i'de "carb" up ... i'de feel disgustingly bloated and tired and would sleep all day... not exactly the best days of my life...
  17. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Unfortunately for myself personally, its not that simple.. i can't just eat and work out, ive done that multiple times before but i end up not losing anything! There's so much nutritional and excercise info that needs to be known... I'm having serious regrets :( not doing nutrition at uni...
  18. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    pastas are healthy in moderation... but the thing with pastas too is that they're processed carbs :s which is why they're so high and extremely hard to burn off...high source of energy though, u know that cyclist guy... he only eats one meal a day coz he trains so much and he has one large pasta...
  19. clairegirl

    Moving from day student to evening student

    isn't there a cut off date? oh no wait thats for external study Mj its not like you goto the lectures anyway! :P ... why don't u just change your tute times if none of what the others have said don't work. Oh the best thing, me n rage against BOS have done this multiple times lol.. we...
  20. clairegirl

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    actually just looked it up.. a kebab is only 9 points, sorry my bad.. well one from king kebab's n e way a big mac is more... its 10 points... the less fattening burger at maccas is the cheese burger at 5.5 points lol some other interesting facts since im here From sizzler The kilo...