Search results

  1. K

    Should I do science?

    Yeah the HSC is the easiest and first way to get into uni. Thus, why not take the first opportunity? You may find that some courses in uni require you to do chemistry-incase you may change your decision of to what you want to do in uni. I dont think i've come across a course whose...
  2. K

    Subject Selection for Yr 11 2005.. help??

    Do the subjects you feel you will do well in, and what interests you. you might want to go to some open days to look at your desired course for uni. check that there is is no prerequisite for that course. Doing all three sciences is NOT crazy-it is FUN :rolleyes:. Its up to the individual and...
  3. K

    Open Days

    picking girls up ay justin ? :p:p She's the first person i know with that name :) .: she is special :)
  4. K

    Casual Clothes Day Restrictions

    Our school is restricted to one mufti day a year. We had jeans for genes day and we had to wear normal uniform with out jeans-lucky we have our jerseys, so they dont look as bad. I like mufti days because you get to pick out who the sluts and hard cunts are in the school :) :p :D
  5. K


    I wonder what he was thinking while he was cutting it off :p
  6. K

    35 sleeping with 13

    I dont know what to say with this but from it, it is sick. this woman who, probably at the time was about mid 30s, had sex with a 12 year old student. now, since this woman already has a husband and four kids, what else does she need? Even at 12, could the boy even get his penis up? or even...
  7. K

    NEAP Trial

    NEAP? i didnt know schools could buy their papers to use as trials. i thought it was their students only
  8. K

    English Advanced or English Standard

    umm the highest english adv mark ever given out was 98 :p
  9. K

    English Advanced or English Standard

    I think its a personal thing dropping/picking up subjects. everyone is different and i'd reccomend a few things: +Ask your teachers about your progress and discuss how you may improve in certain weak areas and whether or not you will benefit from standard english +Ask yourself, will you work...
  10. K

    Studying the roles of a particular scientist in chemistry....I need some help please

    well even if they did ask, you can just make up a name. dont be to obviuos like 'john smith' but they cant really verify that person exists in the industry in the marking center anyway.
  11. K

    chastwood lib after exams this week

    It'd take me nearly an hour and a half to get to chatswood. :) I find it hard studying at libraries. they're nicely air conned, low noise level and they have the right amount of soft lighting for you to sleep :) i also find that i need all my resources when i'm studying.
  12. K

    Diaphragm proccess

    Yeah in conqeuring, theyre pictured alike. its just context doesnt show them to be the same :confused:
  13. K

    Help on flushing

    you uni-campus-photo-whore :p:p:p:p
  14. K

    Diaphragm proccess

    I was flicking through conquering chem and chem contexts and the two cells are different. well, theyre similar but yeah. In conq chem, the diaphragm and the membrane look exactly the same, its the their membrane, but in contexts, theyre struturally different. Can someone veryfiy with me which...
  15. K

    Young drivers curfew

    they were going to impose it, but theyre looking into it.
  16. K


    i use photoshop >Image >Image size >set 100 x 100 pixels :)
  17. K

    Bos server

    i dont get it :confused:
  18. K

    Open Days

    yeah they will be :) so i'll get to see them again :D
  19. K

    Open Days

    remember summer school? well its like an official presentation from the Dep Vice Chancellor :)
  20. K

    UMAT Number

    Um yeah my school has this thing where going on excursions after term 1 is banned. the only 'excusrion' we had was going to mac uni for half an hour for careers thing. LOL why not take the declination of the invitation back :p ? make him pay for your ticket :rolleyes: