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  1. K

    your opinion

    It depends on what you're relating you other texts to be. I'm using the Ivory trail for my theme of 'spirituality'. i originally used JTI, but i found this good poem as a related text i wanted to use.
  2. K

    imaginative thesis

    -Imaginative journeys take us into worlds of inspiration, speculation and imagination -Journeys of intellectual discovery to those of pure imagination -The power of the imagination to challenge thinking -Voyages into the unknown -Take the audience on an imaginative journey i got these...
  3. K

    UMAT Number

    At least there WAS water. I was dying because i couldnt concentrate so i needed a refresher :D. I went to the toilet before the exam because i knew that we were going to be sitting on our arses fo a rather long time. I was dying to go after, but i totally forgot about it and went at broadway :p...
  4. K

    Distinction course help

    I'm kind of glad i didnt get accepted into distinction course. the amount of work my friends get is so horrific for cosmology. Most of my friends have decided on dropping the course as the workload is too much and they'd rather be concentrating on their normal subjects. I think phiosophy was the...
  5. K

    Interstate and International Admissions - updated

    what do you do to do that ? Join the church? isnt that what you were thinking? Mormons? theyre weird.. they chase after you sometimes. esp in cabramatta :s
  6. K

    frontline pics

    Photocopy the video cover :)
  7. K

    is it compulsory to go to school after the trials?

    You're an idiot david :p why the hell would you want to do that? Dont you want your results so you can rub it into everyone else's face :p
  8. K

    Interstate and International Admissions - updated

    What do you do with that ? o.O
  9. K

    All about kissing

    LOl i know what you mean. You press your nose against their cheek and like breath in through the nose. I remeber when i was small on TV there was eskimo kissing where two people would rub their noses together
  10. K


    Found it: The atmospheric effect limits the resolution of optical telescopes to aprrox. 1 arc second.... so, the reading of out telescope is up to 1 arc secs higher or lower than that or the real value ?
  11. K


    In terms of ground based telescopes, what is the problem with their resolution? Or is that kind of answered in the atmospehric distortion and absorbtion of radiation :confused:
  12. K

    yr12's RET test

    There's a thread thats been made on Ret already EDIT :
  13. K

    Interstate and International Admissions - updated

    Whats a B. Div? :| Thanks Wilson :) I think no matter what offer i'll get, i'm off to take it. I'm not letting a good chance for entry into denitstry or medicine pass me by. Especially when i've worked hard for it :)
  14. K

    Are we meant to get the same result as Pasteur in our experiment?

    Petri ;) Yeah, we did what Gomer did. Exposed a petri dish to the air, then closed it and left one covered. rather boring. It wouldve been interesting bending the swan neck flask. Lets see what we can bend them into :D
  15. K

    UAC books

    i havent got mine yet :(
  16. K

    urgent help:S attention plz

    It was on today. I looked at last year's year 12 division paper and was like : :O its hard! Last year 14 - credit 16 - distinct 18 - HD i get to do mine tommorow :)
  17. K

    Solubility rules --> data sheet

    They dont give it out .: you should remeber them. as pelple have said above, know the main ones and guess if you've forgotten the rest :)
  18. K

    Galvani, Volta, Davy and Faraday

    Is this in the HSC course or Prelim course? and under which module? this is what i gather from those names though: Galvani - galvanic cells volta - battery davy - theories of acids // acids produced replacable hydrogen which could partially or totally be replaced by metals faraday - induced...
  19. K

    need info on a chem syllabus dot point

    -insulation -not accounting the heat capacity of the beaker -not covering it with lid -distance between spirit burner and beaker not maintained constant -thermometer touches bottom of beaker .: does not read the temp of the water -Stir the water for even heat distribution
  20. K

    last assesment yay

    i got told not to do that as well, incase they're in different ratios (corect me if i'm wrong)