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  1. braindrainedAsh

    Russia Essay Questions

    Here are some of the essay questions previously posted for the Russia national study. Please add your own questions to this list so this can become a really useful resource. - Accoutn for teh nature of Bolsehvik economic policy from 1917 - 1928 - Discuss teh aims of teh NEP and its impact...
  2. braindrainedAsh

    Albert Speer Essay Questions

    Here are some essay questions previously posted about Albert Speer. Please add any essay questions you have to the thread so this can be a continuing resource for HSC students studying this personality. - To what extent was Speer an apolitical technocrat? - How effective were Speer's...
  3. braindrainedAsh

    Trotsky Essay Questions

    Here are some essay questions previously posted on Trotsky. Please add your own essay questions to this thread, for the benefit of everyone!!! - Assess the extent to which Trotksy was responciabel for the victory of the Bolsehvik party by 1924 - Assess the extent to which Trotksy's...
  4. braindrainedAsh

    Leni Riefenstahl Essay Questions

    Here are some that have previously been posted. Please add any questions you have on Leni to this thread so that we can make a "collection" of questions for practice essays to benefit everyone. -Describe the part played by Leni Reifenstahl in German culture to 1933 -Assess Leni...
  5. braindrainedAsh

    Cold War Essay Topics

    This is the thread to post your essay topics on the cold war elective. Here are some posted previously: - assess the role of the domino theory in us/soviet relations. How realistic was the us fear of Soviet expansion in the third world? - Assess the success of summit meetings in reducing...
  6. braindrainedAsh

    Media and Communications - The Verdict?

    It's pretty good. The only downside is the compulsory non-journalism subjects in first year such as contemporary cultures, political/historical stuff and media studies ones. But I guess it is important for journalists to know, and they aren't that bad. But from second year on you do more...
  7. braindrainedAsh

    Media and Communications - The Verdict?

    No exams for journalism. Just lots of practical work. You have to produce news stories from day 1.... we have assessments such as the writing under pressure task where we have a press conference and we then have approx 1.5 hours to produce a news story... mostly the assessment in journalism is...
  8. braindrainedAsh

    What is your HECS debt so far?

    My debt= 0 at the moment, my parents paid for first semester but I doubt they will continue to pay.
  9. braindrainedAsh

    Media and Communications - The Verdict?

    lol at Year 10 dropouts going to UTS.... hmm I don't think so!!!!! Some people are wacky with the whole "uni prestige" thing. You should go to the uni that offers the best course structure, content and has the best industry reputation. You can't listen to the "reputation" a uni has based on...
  10. braindrainedAsh


    Just because something contains maths equations doesn't make it more important or interesting. How would you know what was happening in the world without journalists? Journalism is one of the most underrated jobs. People don't see it's significance in maintaining a more democratic society...
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Media and Communications - The Verdict?

    Wow, that's good, you already have a nice portfolio building up there. At UTS you get the theory as well, it isn't all practical, I think it is a good balance between the two. Many people in my course currently work in the industry or have worked in the industry part time and are coming back...
  12. braindrainedAsh

    communications: UTS vs. UNSW

    I'm not saying USyd is crap or anything, but for journalism you really need a more practical approach... you can't really "study" it without doing it, and you need practical experience to build a portfolio to get a job. From what I have heard off USyd people you don't start actually doing any...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    I also own the Dawson's Creek soundtrack lol
  14. braindrainedAsh

    Media and Communications - The Verdict?

    UTS= best at journalism. People in my journalism class have actually transferred from USyd and say how much better UTS is. At USyd, they don't even get to write any journalism stories until end of 2nd year/3rd year!!! We had produced our first news story within 4 weeks of starting uni...
  15. braindrainedAsh

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    I still like classic Spice Girls music!!! lol *hides from shame* I also love listening to cheesy 80's music or disco classics (think knock on wood and jackson 5 stuff) Not regularly though.... I especially like retro pop when I am drunk lol.
  16. braindrainedAsh

    communications: UTS vs. UNSW

    There are people in my classes that have tranferred from USyd communications to UTS because Syd is all theory that doesn't really equip you for the workforce. UTS does rock!
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban

    I thought it was used effectively to show the passing of time. The whole motif of time from the book was transferred to the film well, with the continual shots of the clock and everything. Because in this film, Harry's victory was solely dependent on time.
  18. braindrainedAsh


    I think you will find that many people say Social Inquiry is a "nothing" degree.... but if you are combining it with law I think it would be useful. A lot of people do social inquiry if they miss out on journalism and then combine it with journalism electives. Both are well suited to being...
  19. braindrainedAsh

    communications: UTS vs. UNSW

    Media and Communication at UNSW is more a computer media based course and is very different from pub comm. UTS has the best reputation for pub comm. It would really depend on what you wish to focus more on, law or pub comm. UTS law has an excellent reputation and UTS is a great university...
  20. braindrainedAsh


    VCE is easier because the final exams don't count for as much as in NSW. Also, your maths is a lot easier than NSW maths. A few stories to "back up" my argument: 1. A friend moved to melbourne from NSW at the end of Year 10. She did a highish level of maths (I can't remember what it...