Search results

  1. kami

    BOS University Guide: A Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni [A Work In Progress]

    Re: The Idiot's Guide to University (FAQ) Um, here goes... *Basically at UTS in each semester we get two terms that are 7 weeks each with a one week holiday in the middle, though communications students get two weeks break instead. *First tute is pretty much playing the name game and being...
  2. kami

    What is the best trilogy of books or series?

    Re: What is the best trilogy of books or serise? China Mieville's Bas Lag books (Perdido Street Station, The Scar, Iron Council) are practically perfect, if slightly confronting. The latter part of the Dune series (Heretics, Chapterhouse) are also rather fantastic. Also the Farseer/Liveship...
  3. kami

    Redoing a HSC subject

    Yes you can redo a HSC subject, though you will only take the marks of your most recent attempt even if it is worse. You can also choose a new one provided you do so in combined format - which is what is usually offered at TAFE campuses anyway. The three main options are that you can do it at...
  4. kami

    Crime Fiction- Help =(

    This and this may be good places to start if you want ideas of what to read - though the lists aren't all inclusive so there are plenty of other good ones out there too. Can't help you on the Caleb Williams front though, sorry.
  5. kami

    Qns about Journals

    I'd personally integrate the two so you can comment on how/why you chose one idea over the other and what elements (if any) you incorporated from each story that ended up in the final piece. This helps to demonstrate your creative process and experience. However if you have two separate...
  6. kami

    Int Studies

    You were right. I just searched the categories and there is a dude on here who does it: knobblett. He hasn't been on here for about a fortnight though...
  7. kami

    Reforming the media sector

    2006 Andrew Olle Lecture presented by Helen Coonan I thought this might be interesting - seems Coonan is using this as an attempt to form some sort of justification of the changes to the media sector by warning of a journalistic 'armageddon'.
  8. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Because Australia is not a religious state either, and the current definition discriminates in that it favours the Judeo-Christian model of marriage and not others. As a secular state it should not be favouring any religion. No it could not. Australia is a democracy as opposed to a...
  9. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    It requires man as a physical agency to perpetuate the bible though, your suggestion that man cannot do suggests that god is controlling what man writes/controlling what they desire to write. Which opposes free will. With your example of flying, well nothing all powerful is removing our...
  10. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    But Australia is a secular state not a religious one, thus there is no 'true religion' for Australia. This statement is valid for practically every country in the world apart from certain Islamic states and the Vatican. That said, I don't see any christians making protest when a jewish man makes...
  11. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    1. Abortion clinics are open to those who are pregnant, until a man gets pregnant then men would have no use for an abortion. I'm sure that if men too could have children then they would not be unable to use the services of an abortion clinic. The ability to retain a child in one's uetrus is...
  12. kami

    Advice needed: Standard/Advanced English (Reconsidering)

    Well the preliminary year is not examinable so you have that year to play around in Advanced and then make your decision. At the very least, if its too much for you to do in your HSC year then you may have developed more skills in english by trying this class out for now. At the end of the day...
  13. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Catholicism is not a religion, it is a religious denomination of christianity and marriage is not an exclusively christian concept otherwise jews, muslims, buddhists, hindus etc. would not be able to marry...which they currently can - both by their religions and with the legal ratification of...
  14. kami

    Int Studies It's a pretty new course so you might have problems finding someone who actually does it.
  15. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    What happened to the precept of free will? Why would god 'control' people's writing if man's choice was 100%? Or do you believe god does not permit any to mispeak in his name? If you don't believe then why would you care about a curse which you'd see as meaningless? There is no reason to think...
  16. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    The question of what one religious person defines as sex is relevant as it is a form of inquiry into the reasoning of that person's morals regarding sex. This promotes further debate as to why/why not sex between person's of a same gender are permissable. Ah, who exactly are you saying hates...
  17. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    There is an issue with this however - how much of Paul's interpretations of god's truths as opposed to god's truth are within his letters? Whether we have been able to retain the absolute power of such a truth throughout thousands of years of translation and retelling in times of huge political...
  18. kami

    RET questions

    If you score between 51 and 60.95 (i.e within ten points below) for your UAI, then UWS will consider your RET score (61) instead of your UAI. If your UAI is higher than your RET nothing happens and if your UAI is more than ten points below (less than 51) then nothing happens.
  19. kami

    Camille - Sydney Shows this week

    Thats not the real camille :(
  20. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    I'm sure - as long as the TAFE has spaces and too much of the course hasn't gone by then they'll still accept you. Yes. Just so long as you inform them of the fact that you've done year 11 so they don't try to push you into Pathways.