Search results

  1. kami

    Academic Record?

    Yep, they'll print it out on the spot if you want. If you don't want to go in yourself you can also apply online to have it mailed to you by express which gets there by the next day but that costs more money (I think around $35 total?)
  2. kami

    Books school has ruined

    I do think that analysis [including what some would term over analysis] is something we can come to do reflexively though, especially if we've been trained to some degree in Literature/Cultural/Media studies. I know with some books that I've reread constantly that I almost seem to have a deep...
  3. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Bshoc, how would you feel if the following occured: all forms of civil unions were abolished (including the awarding of rights to married couples) and; rights and privileges associated with marriage(superannuation, tax, centrelink and health cover benefits and rights regarding inheritance and...
  4. kami

    Academic Record?

    Go to the Student Admin office on building 4 of the tower building, just right of the main entrance and ask them to print one out for you. It cost me about $20 to get mine done.
  5. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I'd just like to raise the issue that the gay community isn't that accepting, it can be quite exclusive; you must have a certain look, wear a certain style, be a certain age etc. There are also elements that are prejudiced/paranoid regarding bisexuals because 'its just a phase' etc. So I don't...
  6. kami

    Did I just insta-fail?

    Try talking to your tutors about it - I know with some subjects at several unis they let you do make up work, for e.g summaries of the readings/lectures of a missed week, on the weeks you've missed. Otherwise you should probably try to get that documentation, better to be safe than sorry.
  7. kami

    Postgraduate Education course

    Graduate Diploma of Education @ UNSW, UTS, MQ, UOW, ACU - 1 year (full time) Graduate Bachelor of Teaching @ UWS, UTS, USYD - 1.5 years (full time) Graduate Bachelor of Education @ MQ - 1.5 years (full time) Masters of Teaching @ ACU, USYD, UWS - 2 years (full time)
  8. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Why is it a kind of behaviour that should not be given equal status? Why is it wrong to teach children that homosexuals exist and how to function in a non-malicious way with homosexuals in society? Your statistics point has already been debated, I would think if you want to use it as proof...
  9. kami

    Granville TAFE

    Granville TAFE is IIRC one of the oldest TAFEs in the state, and its fairly large so logic goes that it has a fair range of facilities. I'd also consider it to be as safe as any educational institution - you're hardly going to get knifed, bashed, raped and/or rolled in the corridors.
  10. kami

    Uts Gpa?

    This is part of the table for equivalencies for credit points taken from one of the UAC booklets: Australian National University University of New England University of New South Wales University of Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Wollongong 6 credit point...
  11. kami


    Hmm, I think I can cope with the general 'where is building E or X etc.' though as has been said they'd already have a map. I'd be fine with stuff regarding MQ centre as well. I do worry about the more specific things which I wouldn't even realise I'd need to know. And alot of stuff like...
  12. kami

    Course Selection Process

    Pretty much - having recieved and accepted an offer in the main round does not alter your chance of recieving something in later rounds. You simply put in a few different courses, once a UAC application is in then its in, feel free to change it. Just remember that each round has a deadline...
  13. kami

    Course Selection Process

    Thats the way it worked when I did it, though I think poloktim is more referring to the idea that it'd be redundant if you already got into what you wanted.
  14. kami


    I just got sent an e-mail inquiring about whether I wished to become a mentor and I was just wondering a couple of things...: *How much training do you get exactly? (I wasn't/won't be on campus a whole lot so I don't know all the buildings and services inside out.) *How much time did you...
  15. kami

    UTS Intergrated Ausn-French Business Program Its basically an advanced BBus program with a language minor and an integrated 2 year pgrad diploma in business at France - only 10 people get in each year apparently.
  16. kami

    yr 10 students query

    The year 12 module Retreat from the Global does not go for two years, nor do any of the other Extension modules. Extension isn't that hard, you just need to try to think about it (as opposed to just memorising a bunch of stuff) a bit more than advanced. You might find that is heaps better...
  17. kami

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and student election time' Thread I'm in building ten, bos-ing instead of doing my assignment, gosh does my procrastination know no ends?!
  18. kami

    Peer Assessment: ujuphleg (2006)

    Re: Peer Assessment: ujuphleg <3 Susan. I hear UTS might be starting up its own Theatresports thingo so maybe the respective finales can be used as excuses for joint meats :o And regarding the 'who does my subject?' database thing, if people put their subjects in their profile then it...
  19. kami

    the mq meetup that WILL happen!!

    I just realised that that is like my last day so there would be no class worth mentioning, just handing in of assignments. Now I have to decide whether its worth getting up that early to go to MQ Centre.
  20. kami

    school chaplain

    This statement seems right on the money - if the government wished for there to be greater emotional support among students then they would be better served putting their funding toward employing more trained counsellors. Perhaps creating specific scholarships (and other incentives) to promote...