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  1. BackCountrySnow

    Questions from interested 08ers.

    huh? so it's their duty to patrol the streets breaking up fights?
  2. BackCountrySnow

    A few Questions

    nice, i might just join them.
  3. BackCountrySnow

    Questions from interested 08ers.

    doesn't the ADFA belong to UNSW?
  4. BackCountrySnow

    A few Questions

    why? is that a popular combo?
  5. BackCountrySnow

    A few Questions

    Im thinking of econ/arts with an arts major in international studies
  6. BackCountrySnow

    Questions from interested 08ers.

    hahahaha. coz he was ninja :ninja:
  7. BackCountrySnow


    whooa, Kat's back and her posts are better than ever!!! welcome home.
  8. BackCountrySnow


    But are you doing the hsc for your parents? Think about it, is the only thing you want from your UAI is satisfied parents? Just think about what you want from the hsc and let that be your motivation.
  9. BackCountrySnow

    r we becoming more and more stupid??

    i dunno, simple
  10. BackCountrySnow

    r we becoming more and more stupid??

    thnks 4 da lulz. ke3p em cumin. Anyway, ive heard theres a new maths course that's going to e easier than general. maths fundementals i think its called. It'll be like check-out chick maths.
  11. BackCountrySnow

    r we becoming more and more stupid??

    umm yes, because noone uses the edit button to fix up spelling mistakes. Haha, 'leave it kid, you've lost'. You are the worst troll I've come across. You need to develop a more mature posting style to seem legit. Until then, just focus on the school cert or what ever you're up to and act your...
  12. BackCountrySnow

    r we becoming more and more stupid??

    hahaha! wtf? if you meant 'HIGH SCHOOLeconomics is boring and pointless' why would you add that shit about world GDP: 'statistics are constanly changing and could never possibly be correct or even slightly accurate (World GDP) due to the methods in obtaining such statistics, human error, lies...
  13. BackCountrySnow

    r we becoming more and more stupid??

    Haha! So you didn't bother to read yet you quoted something in the middle of what I wrote. Learn to develop an argument instead of pretending you can't be bothered to when you read something you can't break down. Lol you fail, how far do you expect to get when you just shit your arguments out...
  14. BackCountrySnow

    r we becoming more and more stupid??

    Well isn't it important? If more of us knew more about the way the economy worked, even in the most simple form, governments could actually implement policies that would be good for the economy and people could see it for it's actual merits or flaws. And yes, it requires intelligence. Just as...
  15. BackCountrySnow


    it's for effect.
  16. BackCountrySnow


    poor Cassie. And Chris is halarious.
  17. BackCountrySnow

    Private school (Malek Fahd Islamic School) sends strugglers to TAFE

    yes, 'dumbass-ness'. And hilarity? Do you know what that means? It's a compliment... Um, yeah. Kudos to you bro. It shows how fucking pathetic you are when you post like that. Oh pathetic? What's 'pathetic' you say? I feel so priviledged that my school didn't reject me to some TAFE. It's TAFE...