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  1. BackCountrySnow

    Keynes's rivals..

    how do these schools of thought (keynesian, Austrian and Chicago) differ in their theories on economic growth? Is Austrian more supply side whereas keynesian is more demand focussed?
  2. BackCountrySnow

    Keynes's rivals..

    Is this the quote by adam smith? "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own...
  3. BackCountrySnow

    high UAI..

    Rhanoct, i really hope you're just trying to stir people up for fun. Because if this is genuinely your view then I really feel sorry for you.
  4. BackCountrySnow

    Keynes's rivals..

    Thanks gnrlies. Your knowledge in economics is truely remarkable. So the keynesian school believes in a lot of gov't intervention? as oppossed to the austrian and chicago school which believes inmarket forces determining outcomes.
  5. BackCountrySnow

    high UAI..

    it doesnt seem that hard when placed in this light.
  6. BackCountrySnow

    high UAI..

    I that's for the best.
  7. BackCountrySnow

    You KNOW you're an economics nerd when..

    Very, very bad idea.
  8. BackCountrySnow

    Keynes's rivals..

    Where can i read about other schools of thoughts? I know there's the austrian, orthodox and others but I'm not sure what they're on about. edit:Also, who was the economist who said that the economy functions best when everyone acts to benefit themselves only. Or something like that.
  9. BackCountrySnow

    high UAI..

    wtf?? what 'm trying to say is that I won't be much happier getting 99.xx than 94.x and getting into the course I want. Think a bit before you post.
  10. BackCountrySnow

    high UAI..

    You have to keep in mind that the uai is a rank, no a mark. so 85-90 means you're ranked a lot higher than most people. So a lot of people wouldn't find it easy to get a UAI 85+.
  11. BackCountrySnow

    high UAI..

    As long as i get my first pref I'll be happy.
  12. BackCountrySnow

    Uni Open Days

    Go and see what the campus/degree you want is like. Ask questions you need answered. I'd say it's deffinitely worth it.
  13. BackCountrySnow

    Uni Open Days

    University Open days Ok, for the benefit of everyone could you all tell me when the open days are and I'll edit this post to show them all. Australian National University: 30 August (9am - 4pm) macquarie: Not set yet. look here -->
  14. BackCountrySnow


    sketch makes me shiver...
  15. BackCountrySnow

    Pegged cutoffs?

    If this is true then won't that mean there will be an excess of vacancies? And if demand decreases a lot, then A LOT of vacant seats? Also, is anu the only uni that pegs their cutoffs?
  16. BackCountrySnow

    How much does the look count?

    Namu, you're more shallow then people who just go for looks. But yes, to me looks are quite important.
  17. BackCountrySnow

    The Official Football Thread 2007/08

    stupid, penalty shootouts have very little to do with managers.
  18. BackCountrySnow

    pics for a haircut.

    No.... this does NOT work. It often results in a very school boy haircut. Nooo.. no one do this.
  19. BackCountrySnow

    The Official Football Thread 2007/08

    Re: Man Utd Won!! Holy fucking shit. You must have been shitting your pants when John Terrry was walking up to the shot. have a problem..