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  1. Sarah168

    Omg- Harry Potter 6 is complete!

    ill probably buy it from target or big w. its the same thing anyway. Last time, the line at A&R was too long and i didnt see the point when i could just walk into target and get it for $8 cheaper and be in and out in 2 minutes :P
  2. Sarah168


    of course its possible lol. You can get a uai of above 90 with no maths, 2u, general or 4u. Doesnt matter. You just have to do well across all your subjects. I ended up with 98 after dropping from 3u to 2u
  3. Sarah168

    bachelor of ecos and commerce help

    Courtesy of Wikipedia: "The Ivy League is an association of eight American universities, named for the ivy plants traditionally covering their older buildings. The term "Ivy League" has connotations of academic excellence, as well as a certain amount of elitism." Harvard, Yale, Princeton...
  4. Sarah168

    Iron chef

    this is actually an old episode lol, a repeat. the challenger was goooood
  5. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    errr that's classified :p
  6. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    Pah! I have never missed an econ tute and sometimes have even gone to TWO yet you still cain me in eco :mad: grrrrrrrr!
  7. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    that was established :rolleyes:
  8. Sarah168

    B Eco /b Commerce Help!

    it may be irrelevant but good if u would like to try some arts/science units without having to do a whole degree in it
  9. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    uh oh. Econ1002 counts participation marks? i havent checked on that because i assumed econ1001 didnt have participation mks (tutes werent even compulsory!) so econ1002 wouldnt...bad logic. even if it did, i dont think i would mind it that much cos it looks interesting. having to participate in...
  10. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    ergh...not my kinda thing at all. journal, tute paper, seminar paper, 2 essays, class participation. Ewww. :rolleyes:
  11. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    i cant comprehend the idea of anyone doing ecof unless they had to...
  12. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    yes, mr HD in micro :P (im just jealous :( ) cant wait to do macro. Hopefully, it will be better than micro. Wish Dennis was teaching it though :( oh yeah! I keep forgetting that subject for some reason! The focus on keynes makes me interested but i have to keep watch of my intake of junior...
  13. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    hmm so far... econ1002 (intro macro) ecmt1010 (metrics) and maaaybe claw and acct sarah is clearly steering away from artsy units lol
  14. Sarah168

    Post notes for relevant subjects here
  15. Sarah168

    frontline related text?
  16. Sarah168


    i was anxious about dropping to 10u as well but if you cant handle it, there is no point continuing with it. The stress is not worth it and may even be detrimental overall. The rule is if you are going to do 10u, be confident in all 10u and work hard. Dont let the hours u save from dropping a...
  17. Sarah168


    :eek: what kind of experiments?
  18. Sarah168

    semester exam people

    whoa thats a broad question. It depends on the subject and faculty. I have friends in same lecture streams and tutes as me but we're all in random rooms. I dont know how they sort it actually...
  19. Sarah168

    hands up who failed econ1001 mid semester #2?

    you already have your scaled mark? we only get a raw mark /20
  20. Sarah168

    hands up who failed econ1001 mid semester #2?

    what is this 0.33 thing?! how can u get a specific decimal mk like that?! no way. You just need to attempt all the exams and get 50% overall. thats why people always talk about "making up for the last exam etc etc"