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  1. Sarah168

    ECON1001 Past exam paper

    haha as i said to you before yvonne...WHAT THE HELL? looks like stream 3&5 get lucky :p
  2. Sarah168

    Apology scam involving a fake website to collect donations for BoS
  3. Sarah168

    arts degree combining

    whoops sorry...haha sarah is unreliable for information :o (i warned ya :P)
  4. Sarah168

    Answers to HSC Past papers

    try asking the school library for the new stds packages in book format
  5. Sarah168

    Whats the go with those reputation things?

    are u referring to the green rep boxes? :confused:
  6. Sarah168

    Wentworth Terrace Room

    i saw a huge group of people heading up there today...their heads all buried in notes and papers lol
  7. Sarah168

    Wentworth Terrace Room

    so the exam is held where we normally have lunch!?!?
  8. Sarah168

    What are your favourite TV shows? (merged)

    seinfeld, the panel, the simpsons, gilmore girls (when it was on :()...thats pretty much it. I dont watch much tv. Some days i just watch the news programs 5 times over on different channels and times. How nerdy lol
  9. Sarah168

    arts degree combining

    it depends on when u apply uni mks are only taken into account if u have completed a full yr of study if u apply, mid year, they will judge based on your UAI (to the arts/commerce cut off) end yr: they either take your GPA or UAI, depending which is higher the above is written from...
  10. Sarah168

    what do u wanna be?

    originally wanted to be a teacher, then a psychologist, then a journalist. Now, I want to be an economist :) whether i make it or not is a different story but its nice to have a goal to work toward.
  11. Sarah168

    ECON1001 Past exam paper

    yeah we didn't get stuff on subsidies either. We just covered them in tutorials. It's just the opposite of taxes anyway
  12. Sarah168

    ECON1001 Past exam paper

    a) Arc elasticity = [∆Q/ Qave] ÷ [∆X/ Xave] = [∆Q/ ∆X] ÷ [Qave/ Xave] b) Point elasticity = [∆Q/ Qoriginal] ÷ [∆X/ Xoriginal] = [∆Q/ ∆X] ÷ [Qoriginal/ Xoriginal] we were given that in the lecture notes and i follow the point formula most of the time unless it asks for both (i think its...
  13. Sarah168

    ECON1001 Past exam paper

    elasticity = % change in qty / % change in price = 0.25 / [(New price – Old price)/ Old price] = 0.25 / [(New price – 4)/ 4] = 0.4 So 0.25/ 0.4 = (New price – 4)/ 4 New price = 6.5 Edit: WOO HOO! I finally get elasticity in my head...
  14. Sarah168

    Official sign in if you've started studying for exams thread

    started on friday need 3 P's and one C (would like better of course :()
  15. Sarah168

    fiscal policy - fed. budget

    ·Headline cash balance shows total cash outlays less total cash receipts and shows by how much government debt will be increased or decreased ·Underlying cash outcome is calculated as total revenue less total outlays plus net advances. This figure only measures cash item, not items which will...
  16. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    ohh yeah i knew that. I dont think ill have trouble with passing as such. I just want a good mk for econ1001 thats all :(
  17. Sarah168

    Semester Two subjects

    what sort of Q is that!?!?
  18. Sarah168

    Top Uni's For Various Areas of Study

    my micro lecturer is heading to LSE next semester :( sounds like a very reputable and elite uni from hearsay but i dont know much else. Is your friend doing an undergrad degree there? The uni seems like a very research-based uni.
  19. Sarah168

    A Microeconomics question

    holding supply and the tax rate constant, the qty transacted (regardless of tax incidence) is higher with inelastic demand, therefore govt rev is greater. Remember that govt revenue depends on two things: the tax rate (in this case, constant) and the qty transacted in the market. The fall in...