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  1. Sarah168

    Acct 1b

    ROFL Im abit lagging behind you guys (still to do 1A) but Ill join in anyway *waves*
  2. Sarah168

    Practice Set Results

    *sarah re-thinks acct 1A for next semester* *sarah re-thinks finance major* *sarah re-thinks being at uni*
  3. Sarah168

    Practice Set Results

    whoa crap. Do you have to be the life of the party to get more than 5 for tute participation or something!?!?
  4. Sarah168

    How come...

    its only for admins to make...announcements
  5. Sarah168

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    im doing acct 1a though lol I want to do claw because its more interesting than acct but acct will let me have a go at finance in 2nd yr rather than hanging about til 3rd yr acct looks like the logical choice
  6. Sarah168

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    nahh i wont do claw if it means i have to have this timetable if i do acct instead, i hope i can have my nice timetable back :D
  7. Sarah168

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    argh my tt has turned from a 4 day weekend dream to a 5 day gappy piece of crap :mad: why must claw have only one stream?! *wails* oh wait, i know why. Its sem 2 and everyone has done it in sem 1 . well that sucks :mad:
  8. Sarah168

    Semester II text lists

    yeah, its the same textbook that geopolitics used for this sem. Its not just a brick. a JUMBO sized brick that is too heavy to lug, hold carry :D
  9. Sarah168

    Cumberland Campus and Main Campus

    haha i get 4 weeks...holidays start in 25 hours approximately :D
  10. Sarah168

    Semester II text lists politics :p
  11. Sarah168

    ECON exam

    what happened to "Woot xiaoie thinks he just owned the econ exam!! ^^" ? :P
  12. Sarah168

    Semester I exam chatter

    look. i see the logic. i realise that we dont all sit about twiddling our thumbs after we reach a 3line benchmark. im annoyed that u said we had 5 "essays" in the time limit.
  13. Sarah168

    Semester I exam chatter

    frank didnt mention time at all. when a student asked clearly about the expectations of exam answer lengths, he clearly stated that "a few lines is sufficient". of course, it doesnt mean that ever answer that writes 4-5 lines will get full mks but roughly, i think thats a good guide. I dont...
  14. Sarah168

    Semester I exam chatter

    PFFFFFFT stas, you're soo exaggerating! even frank said that a few concise lines are adequate. The point is not to spew everything u know about the topic but to answer the question. @everyone who want to do ecop: its 4 s/answers and one essay
  15. Sarah168

    ECON exam

    isnt it a different exam paper completely? not just S/A?
  16. Sarah168

    ECON exam

    It was alright. I felt good coming out of the exam room but after hearing approx 15 people talk about it....:mad: not so happy now. I messed up some parts but what can u do? :(
  17. Sarah168

    ECON exam

    oh ok then. I have no idea. I didnt even pay attention to the weighting of each. Does it matter what its out of anyway?
  18. Sarah168

    ECON exam

    eh? whats with the 76?
  19. Sarah168

    ECON1001 - subsidies help!

    urgh. i guessed my way through that exam question i just assumed the tax increases the MC and therefore affects the output of the monopoly as it charges at MC = MR (hits the MR curve at different point) then i carried on as usual calculating the multitude of crap they asked for...
  20. Sarah168

    ECON1001 - subsidies help!

    both surpluses are increased