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  1. MoonlightSonata

    Does God Exist?

    ------------------------------- Um, no
  2. MoonlightSonata

    Graduate VS Undergraduate Law

  3. MoonlightSonata

    A couple of questions..

    Perhaps that question should be phrased in the negative
  4. MoonlightSonata

    Police probe HSC results breach

    "BOGUS" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH That's gold Channel 7 is so silly
  5. MoonlightSonata

    A couple of questions..

    There are other areas besides practice... the com/law students can tell you that hehe No. Unless they abolish all lawyers that isn't going to happen. Some areas have notably been reduced such as personal injury claims (and occupational/industrial injuries), but aside from that there are many...
  6. MoonlightSonata

    Interesting question about Christmas...

    In fact the Cth can't even make a law that conflicts with it because of s116?
  7. MoonlightSonata

    Interesting question about Christmas...

    Hang on frigid if there is no Cth law for the state law to conflict with - it isn't invalid...
  8. MoonlightSonata

    Interesting question about Christmas...

    Hehe yeah I agree Though it was an interesting point frigid (I love stuff like this) The myer city store will be open boxing day :P A guy in my department worked there last year and said, apart from barely being able to move because of the amount of people in the store, it was eight hours...
  9. MoonlightSonata

    Science and Philosophy

    Firstly, at least perception-wise, philosophy does not equate to employability -- "A philosophy major, what are you going to do with that?" Bruce Lee: "Think deep thoughts about being unemployed." That said it a valuable subject to take up to enhance critical thinking, reasoning and...
  10. MoonlightSonata

    Interesting question about Christmas...

    The Constitution overrules any other statute.
  11. MoonlightSonata

    i wanted to change the world.....

    That no-one cares about international law per se is not true at all - and is highly cynical. International law is a very diverse field - commercial transactions for instance, in the international sphere, are obviously important. If you're talking about the law of conflicts, then that may be more...
  12. MoonlightSonata

    Wot part time jobs (if any) do law students take?

    I work at myer lol Part-time work in small law practices might be available.. but clerkships in firms etc are usually given to 4th and 5th year students. If you know people you might get a position earlier, but basically community legal centres are a good way to go... I'm looking into that atm
  13. MoonlightSonata

    Christmas displays

    Oh come on! There's nothing wrong with a bit of cheer this time of year. Christmas for me is NOT ABOUT JESUS CHRIST. I celebrate Christmas as a time of giving and festivity.
  14. MoonlightSonata

    One Nation racist

    Bloody hell! I am disturbed.. but slightly amused
  15. MoonlightSonata

    Christmas displays

    you should be illegal
  16. MoonlightSonata

    Christmas displays

    bloody Brogden and his useless rhetoric!
  17. MoonlightSonata

    Does Extenion 2 English help in getting into Law?

    English is the most important subject for law. However, as the appositely named "the wigged one" said, the universities won't consider what subjects you did for acceptance into law, or transferring, so long as you have competency in 2U of English (I believe English Advanced is strongly...
  18. MoonlightSonata

    Does God Exist?

    You really should read some of this thread. All of those "points" have been refuted.
  19. MoonlightSonata

    Does God Exist?

    This point has been thoroughly refuted in previous posts :P
  20. MoonlightSonata

    Is it possible to transfer after 2nd yr of uni -bcomm to comm/law

    The UAI is always relevant. Even in graduate degrees they look at UAI (I believe it's something like 75% tertiary grades from the first degree, 25% UAI, but this will vary from uni to uni), unless you do not have one.