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  1. spence

    Is Commerce/Economics Asian dominated?

    I've found at USyd it is heavily asian, whereas UTS was largely white
  2. spence

    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    I haven't gotten an email, but i haven't done micro. I think they email everyone who gets above a certain average in first year
  3. spence

    Economics at Uni

    Yeah I'm pretty sure my school had either 3 or 4 classes and our grade was pretty small
  4. spence

    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    Wow looks like we all fucked up macro. I was thinking there must have been some scaling after the midsem average was like 80%, but there seems to have been heaps
  5. spence

    Why do you eat FAST FOOD?

    +1 Also cheap and easy and tastes good
  6. spence

    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    ECON 1002 Introductory Macroeconomics 67.0 Credit Damn, thought i'd done way better, was on about 80% going into the exam
  7. spence

    On the topic of University Transfers...

    yeah i'm pretty sure they do, not for all courses though. i'm not sure which ones they do but i think arts, science and maybe some engineering ones?
  8. spence

    BSc at UniMelb or BSc (Adv) at USyd?

    can't you do sci (adv) with a diploma of languages at usyd?
  9. spence

    Mixing wine with juice.

    My brother and his gf once mixed moet champagne with pineapple juice
  10. spence

    NSW student in years 9 to 12 get a laptop

    Then buy one Yeah I agree with that, the whole thing seems like a huge waste of money, they could do much better things with it
  11. spence

    university: study abroad.

    My sister went to Seattle on exchange, she said it was the best thing she's ever done
  12. spence

    Rules for Staff

    And to the people who like steamed buns, the steamers are probably being got rid of soon, so you won't be able to do that for much longer
  13. spence

    Rules for Staff

    I agree with this. I'm a crew chief at Maccas and there are some ridiculously slow people, like I don't understand how they can be that slow. And to the 14 year olds who bludge all shift, when you're asked to do something, don't sigh and then bitch to your friend. You're paid to work, get over...
  14. spence

    International business OR Management Major

    I think both are fairly useless on their own, but if you're doing marketing, either one would probably complement it
  15. spence

    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    What'd you do?
  16. spence

    Bachelor of Commerce (liberal studies)

    Is the UAI no longer counting for all courses? Or just some specific ones?
  17. spence

    The McDonald's Thread

    Re: McDonalds Interview Usually Cert 2 is done as an HSC course (Retail Operations). Although I think the intake has just been done, so I don't know if you're able to sign up for one for next year now. When you start, talk to your restaurant manager, let them know you're keen, and they might be...
  18. spence

    Help me - I'm in a sticky spot..

    Also, at my store, some young people are rostered for 9 hour shifts
  19. spence

    The McDonald's Thread

    Re: McDonalds Interview Not sure of the rate, but you should ask for casual, basically no-one does PT except people doing traineeships who can't be casual. And yes, there is a very good chance you will be promoted. If you're keen to work, that sets you apart from most people, and you should be...
  20. spence

    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    I really need my L's again, and I need to actually drive this time