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  1. kami

    What would you most like to see information on?

    Can I pm it to you this afternoon? *at the end of a last min assignment*
  2. kami

    What would you most like to see information on?

    If you want mike, I could do something for the language cert/dip bit since I've still got all the paperwork laying around(which they took off the site for some reason:s)
  3. kami

    whatever happened to: lcf

    You obviously haven't been in NS lately:p Whats a tazlon?:confused: Maybe its a red herring and iambored is really a man trying to throw everyone off? Or maybe s/he is a woman wanting everyone to think she's a man pretending to be a woman? Or maybe iambored is a computer program? Or maybe...
  4. kami

    Word limits

    A word limit is a word limit, they aren't going to give it to you and penalise you for obeying the syllabus. Just play with your story so that it seems right to you rather than forcing it for the sake of the word limit. Who knows - you might end up completely retooling your work due to a sudden...
  5. kami

    What would you most like to see information on?'s some random suggestions: internal transfer quota thingys(i still don't get that 100% myself but eh), concurrency, that non-award faq you made a while ago was pretty good, um maybe something on SIBT? Oh, and about applying for honours, and some stuff on scholarships and exchange would...
  6. kami

    Communications:Roll Call!/Getting to know you!

    Congrats on the HD!:) Only just starting the plan can just tell I do things in advance:p
  7. kami

    Special Provision?

    As far as my knowledge of the VIC system extends, you can apply for some sort of consideration scheme regarding your final entrance rank. Thats all I know though - you might want to try the vTAC site or the Vic Schools Board for more info.
  8. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Firstly: Normal? may not be mainstream, but that doesn't make it any less normal on a biological/mental/hormonal level. Just less common. Secondly: Disability is basically a disease or disorder or permanent injury etc. that hinders you. The only inate difference between a homosexual...
  9. kami

    Mid Year Application

    It varies - I think UTS uses just your GPA[not WAM] in conjunction with a personal statement if its an external transfer. Whereas USYD/UNSW/MQ I think employ a combination of GPA and UAI[again if external].
  10. kami

    Come to UTS! Right NOW!

    Or anyone who is a member that uses paypal and who is trustworthy with $20, as there is the 'give member premium feature'.
  11. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So because sex would not be fundamentally procreative between a couple that is sterile or in which the female partner has reached menopause then they should not be permitted any sexual activity either? I didn't know the church banned that as well. And yes, the church does say that sexual...
  12. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I agree with the accepting that people are gay but not trying to encourage them to be gay since you can no more actively encourage people to be gay than you can to be tall or have green eyes. Nor should you - people are what they are. I'd also like to add that it isn't a mental disability, a...
  13. kami

    How do you write a feature article.

    uic is right, a feature article contains more personality than the essay - its usually designed to entertain/provoke etc. You should be aiming to use language that is far more conversational(though still with a formal undertone), this is done by being witty or inserting a reference to a...
  14. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So you're saying the only thing you hold against homosexuals is that they can't get married? (Which you admit is because of religious problems) Also, how does marriage intensify a relationship? I know heaps of people who are married but their relationship is dead in the water, in fact the...
  15. kami

    HSC Booklist

    Its not on the booklist anymore, and also regarding using texts from the HSC prescription - I think its fine as long as you explore an angle separate from the 2/3 unit one. Which shouldn't really be a problem given the individualistic nature of the MW.
  16. kami

    Come to UTS! Right NOW!

    The buildings do have names, Building 3 is Bon Marche for example and Building 6 is the Johnson Building (i think?), its just its easier to refer to the numbers most of the time because no one can really be bothered to remember most of the names.
  17. kami

    Parlons-nous le francais ici! you mean comment t'appelle tu? otherwise: :confused:
  18. kami

    Creative Writing - Script

    Scriptwriters for movies generally don't include exact camera angles unless they are both writer and director, but you could probably go with either, just be warned that if you want to use the camera angles to effect you probably aren't going to be able to do things grammatically. For example...
  19. kami

    Come to UTS! Right NOW!

    Why hold it in Building 2? Thats the ugly one, Building 1 is so much sexier.:p But I hope it goes well - the 06ers should love it.:)
  20. kami

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Bonjour! Je m'appelle kami, j'etudie francais(debutant) a l'universite - et vous?