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  1. K

    Can we do our narrative as a poem

    do you have the time to actually sit and think about all the poetic devices and rhyme your going to use within 40 minutes ?
  2. K

    blood on tracks?? help!!!

    lol ohh well :) but i absolutely hate this text. my teacher rats on how it is such an excellent text to chose for the imaginitive journey. :confused: out of all the text the board of studies had access to, they had to pick such an idiot one
  3. K

    eng adv scaling

    i thought advanced get scaled as a group, up.
  4. K

    imaginative journey - speech

    the question is a bit ambiguous... umm.. do you get to chose from 1 or 2? or do you do both ? talk about how imgaginitive journeys provoke speculation, inspiration and imgaination. in other words, define what an imaginitive journey is. talk about how the text can be classified as an...
  5. K

    Custom Status

    me? :confused: i hope it rains in your time staying here so you have to wear the same smelly clothes over :D
  6. K

    terms and conditions

    maybe we should have a giant warning sign before we enter the forums index warning all memebers everytime of the variuos notoriuos members :D :D
  7. K

    Custom Status

    :chainsaw: i'll give you a decking when i meet you :p lemme rephrase that: i'll be the first person of class 04 to get custom status via 3000 posts :D
  8. K

    terms and conditions

    :rofl: a BOS hotline ? who would be on the other end of the line ? :p
  9. K

    Experiments with enzymes

    i think theres a post concerning enzymes with pepsin in the maintaining a balance section :)
  10. K

    Custom Status

    you ruined my dreams! :o oh well.. /me shrugs
  11. K

    Custom Status

    yeah i rekon.. at the rate i'm posting :p does that mean i'll be the one of the first to achieve custom status with 3000 posts? :D nooo let me get my 3000 posts for CS first then you can do whatever :D:rolleyes:
  12. K

    vietnamese pop music

    :rofl: you can see where theyve had their surgery :D :p
  13. K

    How much do you care?

    i feel like i'm so sick of school. i dont know.. i try not to think about it. i might as well go do my work and stduy to take my mind off how much i hate it. (i dont know how that works out though...) i want good marks but i;m gatting marks that i'm content with, but compared to the rest of ym...
  14. K

    NEAP Soln 2001 + 2002

    BOS had to take all NEAP papers of this site because of copyright laws. i think if someone posts them up, then laz is going to get the finger ponted at again. even if someone hosted the solutions on their site, theyd probably sent out a search party for them :eek: tightasses :rolleyes:
  15. K

    english lectures at uni of syd

    i went yesterday too. i thought the lecture on structuring your extended response was the best. we went to the lecture on our prescribed text (the tempest) and one on the imaginitve journey. they sucked bad. although the imagintive journey one, i extracted a possible related text :D but the...
  16. K

    Chemistry Exams

    my school hands out a thick booklet they make of all these past papers theyve found from other schools, neap, trials and hsc exams. its like carrying another textbook :eek:
  17. K

    gravimetric analysis problem

    depends who your teacher is really, i know some of my teachers prefer past tense and other prefer it as a method. rather odd though :confused: what do the HSC markers prefer ?
  18. K

    Yo...Anyone here from Baulko (Yr12) 2004?

    :rofl: teeny boppers :rolleyes:
  19. K

    Have i done something wrong?

    i think that pretty slack, i mean, within your school, you're competeing for ranks. i think you have a right to be angry because it doesnt mean you've actually used and touched them. they cant really judge you because you have someone elses notes. i know most people work from other peoples notes...
  20. K

    Yo...Anyone here from Baulko (Yr12) 2004?

    ahaha sif anyone would want to know you anyway :p you and your marist school - conceited ahahahaha :p gheys :p