Search results

  1. kami

    Postgraduate HECS places

    Hi right now I'm not even an undergrad uni student so this might seem like I'm jumping my guns.. but one of the things I was looking into doing was an Education/Teaching diploma or degree after my first degree and noticed on most university sites that it said 'Commonwealth Supported' so I...
  2. kami

    Looking to work for a tutoring college but have a few questions.

    Hi everyone, :wave: I'm looking to tutor sometime in the near future and I was weighing up the pros and cons of working for a private college vs. on my own. To this end I was wondering which centres hire undergraduate students for Advanced and Extension 1&2 English as well as possibly Biology...
  3. kami

    UAC main-round offers; what'd you get?

    Ha! I get a mention!:D I have gotten into Bachelor of Arts in Communications (Writing & Culture) at UTS combined with the Certificate/Diploma of Languages(French) at MQ. Two unis at once! Go me! :D
  4. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    How easily you make friends is really up to you. However you should be warned that unlike highschool there is no home room, school assemblies or school wide lunch breaks that everyone attends. Further, not everyone will even be doing english so there will be students you might never meet or are...
  5. kami

    putting in new course to uac now?

    It's too late for main rounds - it'd go through for late and final though.
  6. kami

    master of teaching????

    Errm...I always thought that UWS had a graduate Bachelor in Teaching(for primary and secondary) rather than a Masters.
  7. kami

    Thread Viewing/Linking Problems

    I've tried it in IE and it seems to work fine, so I'm thinking Bored might have issues with Firefox?
  8. kami

    Thread Viewing/Linking Problems

    Both myself and damnation have been completely unable to access any threads inside the MQ forum just now - instead an error page comes up. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem? And what it is exactly...? EDIT: Actually, scrap that - I can't access any threads whatsoever. I just get...
  9. kami


    Ja, I'll look it over for you.:) Post/send away!
  10. kami

    HELP!! Is it Too late to drop down to general maths.

    In most schools and TAFEs you can most certainly change from Mathematics to General Maths so thats not really a problem. However I disagree with the general consensus about scaling being an issue for consideration as a strong performance will nullify any scaling issues, rather I think what must...
  11. kami

    All about Preferences and Offers

    Yes, unless you change them. No, that is incorrect. It works like this: Source: UAC Yes, refer to the above quote for the way it works.
  12. kami

    Help with Topic

    Depending on the topic and medium I may be able to help you...
  13. kami

    Whats your major?

    Depending on what I get into it will be one or two of the following: English Literature, Communications or Psychology or Education.
  14. kami

    Tafe To Uni

    If you wish to know about credit arrangements between TAFE and uni, this is also an informative site:
  15. kami

    Creative Responses

    In general, some important things you could do to develop your creative writing for Ext 1 exams: *Do extensive reading into your chosen elective - the creative question is basically testing on whether you can apply the understanding of your elective. *Create some characters that you would...
  16. kami

    Pay for a higher uai?

    No, thats getting into uni by buying a spot(which has its own limits) it has nothing whatsoever to do with increasing your UAI. This statement below says everything that needs to be said:
  17. kami

    Who is getting excited for uni?

    Sometimes I am very ho-hum about the whole uni process and really couldn't be bothered but then I get these bursts maybe 3 or 4 times a week where I just *burst* with excitement, enthusiasm and cheer - I practically bounce up and down and go "I'm gonna go to uni! I'm gonna go to UNI! I'M GOING...
  18. kami

    So who is in?

    Hi everyone - since people have started getting offers from TAFE, preliminary rounds and interstate unis and its not long till NSW main round I thought I'd ask who is in? And what you'll be doing? So far I have an offer for Certificate of Languages(French) at MQ which I plan to accept along...
  19. kami

    Tafe enrolment? huh?

    It depends if that course requires an application or not - some do, some don't. The deadline for sending in an application has passed you by, but if you call up the campus you are interested in doing the course at you may find they may have vacancies there and *then* you can rock up. If they...