Search results

  1. kami

    Thesis / Symbolism

    As riviet has said: we cannot just make a thesis for you. However I can give you some feedback on your choice of material. I feel that Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within would be somewhat limiting to use as a text for journeys as it is less of a journey and more of a brief quest - still workable...
  2. kami

    WAT do u THINK?

    Well in order to discuss part three, you'd be looking at how Hawkes uses the film and script to portray Marlowe a certain way for example: *the way he can only call Vivienne pet names instead of her full name. This displays a slightly demeaning attitude toward her etc. *his casual sex with...
  3. kami

    Polygamy vs Monogamy

    I disagree that polygamous marriages must devalue a female partner or that women would not accept it. Your statement also assumes that women would only wed into polygamy if forced and this is not true as there are a variety of places where polygamy(of both kinds - multiple husbands to a woman...
  4. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    It really is completely up to you for neither mode is really better or worse in the long run as you are taking the same time anyway. You don't have to do it all one way or the other either - you could do some combined subjects mixed with some preliminary this year if you wanted. It is however...
  5. kami

    Media and Communications degrees

    Hello - I just have a couple of questions regarding the BA in Communications(Writing & Cultural Studies) at UTS and the BMedia and BA in Media and Cultural studies at MQ and the BA(Media & Communications) at UNSW. Firstly, in a nutshell - what has your experience of the degree been? Is it...
  6. kami

    Cobalt-60 and Tc-99m

    Cobalt 60 is used in industrials situation to search for faults in welding and the like, it is also can be used in medicine tp sterilise instruments IIRC. Technetium 99m is used to detect throat cancers and stuff like that by attaching itself to certain cells in the body - they then analyse...
  7. kami

    history of crime fiction lol, I know, I know - its wiki, but it is worth a look. And to answer your confusion: Genre is essentially a category or species of literature, and the conventions are ways of marking the boundaries between the genres and subgenres...
  8. kami

    STAT Results

    Ok, what happens is with your STAT you can do two things with it: 1. Its used as additional criteria for entry to a course for example Pharmacy at Sydney requires a certain performance or the University of Western Sydney's RET scheme for those in their area who sit the exam. 2.It can be...
  9. kami

    Polygamy vs Monogamy

    well there are third world countries(tibet falls under the status of third world doesnt it?) where this is the norm you know - anywhere from two to five or perhaps more brothers have been known to wed the one woman there. And really...
  10. kami

    Polygamy vs Monogamy

    Since this is the polygamy thread I thought I would put forward this question(in extended format) Polyandry Pros: *Multiple carers per child is likely which mean lower infant mortality rate *Inheritance is combined rather than divided as the child would inherit from both male partners...
  11. kami

    confusion: university system here

    Terminology: Well basically your uni degree will have requirements to be met for you to recieve your degree when your finished - a certain amount of study, study in certain areas, and studying at certain levels. Credit points are set by unis(and their...
  12. kami

    Need Help on Values

    "Sophisticated presentation and evaluation of the values embedded in the chosen texts and insightful explanation for the differing values." In other words: Produce intelligent judgements and explanations of the societal/cultural values that are evident in the text you have studied. An example...
  13. kami

    Polygamy vs Monogamy

    I disagree - Polyandry is viable in certain environments and there are various reasons for doing so - if the mother must stay at home for various reasons then the father must leave to obtain goods/wealth/upkeep/whatever and if there are still insuffient resources in either parenting or...
  14. kami

    Polygamy vs Monogamy

    Um..don't you mean group marriages? As polygamy simply means to have several simultaneous sexual/romatic liasons(ie not monogamous) and from my understanding it was group marriages not polygamy that was prohibited by law.
  15. kami

    Polygamy vs Monogamy

    Of course they shouldn't illegalise it, just because some people dislike something doesn't mean you should make it illegal. If it harmed or afflicted society in any way then there would be an argument for it, but to pass a law on this is to basically control a sexual/romantic relationship that...
  16. kami

    UNSW Foundation Year Course

    In my opinion, it seems sort of a last chance sort of thing - as it costs a staggering amount of money, gives little to no credit toward your future degree and still requires a performance to a certain standard. Granted that standard is lower than probably required from other entry pathways but...
  17. kami

    Plz Help! Very confused here!

    NO - Do *not* use second person for an article or essay. Well maybe article, *definitely* not essay. Here is a little revision: The personal pronouns I and we are said to be in the first person. The speaker uses this in the singular to refer to himself or herself; in the plural, to speak of a...
  18. kami

    can we use rpg's for supp text

    It's a good idea, but I'd be wary of it unless I completed the game a few times and had a full script on hand(some of those are on Also take as many notes on the sound track as you can as it'll be hell trying to produce anything coherent on the camera angles. It'd probably...
  19. kami

    BOS RPG Thread.

    Hmm..if there were to be an official BoS RPG thingo then it might be a good idea to have a stickied sign up thread for it that gets replaced periodically much like the Birthday threads, that way everyone has their marching orders so to speak and there isn't too much clutter in the RPG itself...
  20. kami

    How do our school assessment marks factor in?

    ur_inner_child is right(very right:)), these assessments combine to become a mark which just like with any other subject is worth half of the total with the HSC exam(or HSC major work in this case) worth the other half. If you want more detail, go to this post here...