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  1. kami

    Question - Didnt make course.

    There most definitely is. For one there are transfers - its most likely you could make the cutoff for BArtsandSciences and take the same units in first year as you would in BArts then transfer into your second year with full credit. Alternatively, you could take these courses at another uni...
  2. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    Your answers: Its a class so your teacher chooses the modules and writes up the assignments. Classes are usually fairly small - this year for me most classes never had more than 10 people in it, however the most popular subjects such as Advanced English, General Maths, Biology and Business...
  3. kami

    Low scaling subjects

    I think you are right - if you had gotten the same mark in Physics it would have contributed more, but then again given that you yourself admit that your current subjects are ones you prefer and your proposed subjects are ones you don't, do you truly think you will gain a higher mark? It also...
  4. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    Yuppers they send out assesments and a few supplementary materials, you also can phone the teacher if you are in a bind. However its also important to note that OTEN only offers Beginners, not Continuers and you'd have to ask them if thats something you can technically repeat given you aren't...
  5. kami

    Options available for shit UAI's

    Basically with self tuition you have no assessments the entire year and your mark is derived solely from the HSC. The HSC is sat at your local TAFE or high school depending on where you are. There are also some subjects you can't do under self tuition as the Board requires a a qualified...
  6. kami

    English Extension 2 biased?

    It's important to remember that your internal assessment mark and your external exam(or in this case submitted work) mark judge entirely different things. Your teacher assesses your process whereas the Board assesses your product, there is no reason why they would be at all similar so it is...
  7. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    Correction: You can't study tertiary courses while deferring- HSC is a secondary course not a tertiary one.:) EDIT: Well the thing with TAFE is, is that there is no solid trend in performance because everyone is from a different background as opposed to being there since year 7, so you might...
  8. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    Yup!:). EDIT: Just make sure you don't do any TAFE courses as part of your HSC repetition as that would count as tertiary studies and you'd have to apply for uni entry again after to your original uni without the advantage of deferred offer.
  9. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    She did it all in one year, and yes she was repeating as she had had health issues which barred her from attermpting mid-yearlies onward at school. She had a full time job at the time as well.(woooh go Janelle!):) And there is no scaling down or up regarding TAFE - what *does* matter is how...
  10. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    One of my classmates at TAFE in 2004 got 99.75 for her UAI and she achieved a state ranking in Mathematics and Mathematics Extension. So as you can see, the sky is the limit - its completely up to you and your skills.
  11. kami

    19th century urban legends While it doesn't have anything specifically regarding the 1800s, it does have a nice general overview and a collection of links at the bottom which might lead you to something else in turn and so on(i think the christian one would be the best:)).
  12. kami

    EE2 Marks!

    44 for HSC, Assessment and Exam. I'm delirious - and here I thought I would get 12.:p
  13. kami

    Distinction Courses You might be better off checking that thread.:)
  14. kami

    whos ret/stat exam results r gona help?

    it basically means for you that as long as you get 80 for your UAI you can get into *any* course at UWS.:)
  15. kami

    Ext 2 English!!!

    I got 44 - still don't understand why I got that instead of the 12 hovering in my thoughts but hooray nonetheless. And I say to anyone who feels sad about theirs - this mark doesnt define you at all, its just a random number in the scheme of things and you're going to find your way regardless.:)
  16. kami

    when do we find out if we made it in or not?

    If you read this sticky at the top of the forum then you should get a fairly good idea.:)
  17. kami

    EAS Accepted?

    I don't think USYD is to blame unfortunately - I'd blame the many silly kids for people with genuine problems getting knocked back because there are whole schools(even some selective schools I believe) who have promoted the idea of sending in EAS applications on the basis of recieving youth...
  18. kami

    Deconstruction of the Results SMS

    I'll just add, since I know minushuman does them - when MX1 and MX2 are both taken then they become 2 unit subjects each out of 100 even though they are extensions.
  19. kami

    3 sciences?

    It's not anymore stressing than anything else I think - it just would really test your enjoyment of the subject as you would be doing the one style of subject almost constantly.
  20. kami

    Yr 12 2006 - What elective are YOU doing?

    Hello boys and girls. Welcome to the Genre subforum - I hope you have a wonderful time with your course this year.:) To get the ball rolling, what elective and prescribed texts are you doing?