Search results

  1. kami

    Disadvantage forms

    If you are referring to the EAS forms, you get them off your HSC co-ordinator, principal or careers advisor. And if you mean the misadventure forms then its the same set of people I think.
  2. kami

    Shortlisted for Young Writers Showcase

    Katie's work *is* on BoS. It is in Jhakka's main showcase sticky.
  3. kami

    last years hsc question (king Lear)

    From what I can remember when I did this one last year(I don't have it in front of me so it won't be precise) but I remember I referred to the opening scene with both feminist and family interpretations(using Brooks and Eyre) as well as more minor reference to both readings throughout, then I...
  4. kami

    The Art of Hurdle-Jumping

    If you want to be finished early - start now. And when I mean start, I mean start in earnest. Make sure that every week you have something done whether it be a few hundred words, a decent diary entry talking about your plotting or drafting your proposal. And if you hold yourself to that the...
  5. kami

    How many supps do we need???

    Its great that you can use them - but you definitely shouldn't attempt them all in one essay. Use two or three(they can specify) precribed texts and a similar number of relateds in detail. Other things like subgenres or critical theory which may make passing mention of other texts is fine to...
  6. kami

    Uni preferences

    oooh, coolies. In that case - *switches a few around* Yaya!:D
  7. kami

    Uni preferences

    I think you can - can't see why not. I'm not sure if it'd be considered for main round anymore though.
  8. kami

    Raw Marks

    Hmm..I don't think the very top are scaled more, I think that the top people receive less positive or negative influence though there is some as you see this across all the courses. But if it's any help to you, this question was asked of my teacher a short time ago (so many people in our class...
  9. kami

    Prepartory Maths & Science @ Ultimo

    I'm not doing the course but its part of one of the things I'd looked into so I can't give you much personal detail in it. What I can tell you that its a part of the TPC thing that TAFE runs and that most of the courses are at roughly HSC level but there won't be a big exam at the end of the...
  10. kami

    wHAT should I DO!! (dropping..picking up subjects for yr12)

    Haha I'm not unique, there are several BoSers around here who do the combo actually, including one of the benefactors - cherryblossom so I'm sure there are others who might not mind giving their opinions on the combo if asked. I know tezor does the combo as well, not to mention Lhyviathan, fine...
  11. kami

    OMG What's Happening With Sam?

    Perhaps you should try the JUAI estimator till its figured out what's happening with SAM. JUAI should be located here
  12. kami

    wHAT should I DO!! (dropping..picking up subjects for yr12)

    Ok, one warning about the double Ext 2 business, if you do 4u math + 4u english, then you must do 4 subjects which puts you at a *minimum* of twelve units unless you do SOR1. So if you are doing the 4 on 4 combo you must be prepared for considerable effort not only from these 2 subjects, but you...
  13. kami

    OMG What's Happening With Sam?

    Try getting an estimate and when it comes up with the table saying how many units each subject contributed have a look and see whats being excluded. Then check that you put the subject in( that has not been counted). You definitely are elgible for a UAI so you need not fear for that.
  14. kami

    Tragic Hero Questions?

    Well first, what exactly is the "big idea" behind your module? Because that is what you will be writing about in the essay part and you will be using context and values as part of your argument. Edit: oooh timewarpin goodness!
  15. kami


    You could check up with UWS I suppose, but you might as well just send it in - the worst that can happen is they don't give you a scholarship and the best is that it was all a bungle and your area really is eligible.
  16. kami

    Memorizing Essays.........

    From what I remember the Standards packages use the double banded lumping, and the Student Answers booklet just says "high range" and "mid range" instead of full mark essays.
  17. kami

    Tragic Hero Questions?

    The only person who could give you that in certainty is your teacher since she wrote your preliminary module and no one apart from your school would go to the exact same guidelines. However, considering it is held in common by all the HSC EE1 modules, then you can assume values and context will...
  18. kami

    Sara Douglass

    well there were the but I don't really remember alot of other rape scenes. Besides, rape verges on a convention in entertainment these days, so considering that, there wasn't that much.
  19. kami

    Favourite Character? favourites would be : Eaving from Sara Douglass' Troy Game. The Fool from the Farseer trilogy and its sequels by Robin Hobb. Granny Weatherwax from Terry Pratchett's Discworld.
  20. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan wishes Justin, Lynn and Marcus could have made it last night. 'Twas sexcellent. We had an old fashioned sexc parteh and everyone came online.:p