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  1. kami

    Important - Please Read

    ...Chaucer? *raises eyebrow* perhaps you girls should read Austen to your strippers? And why do we need strippers when we have the super sexy Katie? Surely there is enough sex appeal in her little finger to satisfy anyone.
  2. kami

    King Lear Readings

    Firstly, the question on versions has been both asked and answered in the FAQ that has been stickied and linked for you to look at. Secondly, if it doesn't exist in the version the Board of Studies cites then it does not exist in your essays - period.
  3. kami

    To Be or Not To Be That is the Question

    On that Extension 2 *because* you are creative, don't do it just because you enjoy Extension 1. Being a good genre analyst will not replace a writer's passion, which is what Ext 2 requires.
  4. kami

    To Be or Not To Be That is the Question

    If you do poorly as compared to the state average in *any* subject then you will do badly. It also should be noted that History Extension is a HSC only course but English Extension is not - it is both preliminary and HSC. It should also be noted that you don't *need* to decide right away - you...
  5. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Would be valid to guess that there are only 3 people in your histx class?
  6. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan hands Monique a big metal cleaver - you know what to do.:)
  7. kami

    To Be or Not To Be That is the Question

    First: And also: If there are any more questions feel free to ask:) EDIT: Never decide purely on scaling, it is a form of acadmic suicide, and also if you cock up any exam you are screwed to an extent- this subject is no different.
  8. kami


    You're not alone, lol, but my confession is even retrospect I think I enjoyed doing all of the Advanced modules last year:o Doing AOS was torture was as bad as watching "Glitter" the movie in eternal reruns while someone sands off your scalp. *shudders*
  9. kami

    Help, suggestions???

    Given that you'd only have one session, is it imperative that they be familiar with the syllabus or is it only to practice your speaking? Because there are non HSC language tutors all over the place, especially for a language like Italian.
  10. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Did anyone know that if babies get gastric they can die from dehydration? *Thats* how delicate they are. Who knows what flu will do to them?:(
  11. kami


    An Allotrope is an element with the same chemical properties but differing physical properties, e.g white phosphorus and red phosphorus. An Isomer is a molecule with the same molecular formula but different structural formula. So they're different things.
  12. kami

    Important - Please Read

    No, no they aren't. He is taking time off to be at home right now, just so he can give my sister the flu while she is taking care of the babies. :vcross:
  13. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan wants to hurt his brother in law. Repeatedly. He has 2 premature babies at home and he has a potent dose of the flu. So what does he decide to do? *Hug* the babies and *give* them the flu! Why oh why did he not just stay clear of his premature babies?! Why did he have to give my nephews the...
  14. kami


    Exactly what PerfectbyNature said. There is a record kept of the Major Works - in fact considering the small candidature thats why it takes them so long to mark the work, they have to ratify them first. It should also be noted that this happens across subject, ie a student cannot submit the same...
  15. kami

    Custom Status

    It'll probably happen sometime in October - I got mine at the end of August and I joined in November. So just sit tight till then and stop worrying about it, think of it as BoS giving you your custom status to make you feel better for when exam time comes;)
  16. kami

    Retail Extension!

    There is no actual HSC exam for Retail Extension, rather you are assessed internally by written tests, project work and practicals. At the end of it you should recieve a Certificate 2 in Retail with some advanced standing towards Certificate 3 IIRC. However, while it is as much a Board Developed...
  17. kami

    Most annoying book of all time

    The World Wreckers by Marion Zimmer Bradley. A woman makes hundreds of planets go bust and abandons her infant to a life of intergalactic prostitution when millenia later she wants to destroy another planet but basically its just too cool for her to do it and she reconciles with her...
  18. kami


    Don't put yourself down glitterfairy, I've looked at some of the essays you've popped out for uni and they definitely have some meat in them(exchange meat for flair, lol). But I'll address this to the thread starter since somewhere along the way it became a discussion between students who...
  19. kami

    Gal Pos-cat Neg-an!!!!!!!

    It seems like a good find, but I prefer 'Red Cat' and 'An Ox' to help remember, and if I want to remember which one is positive or negative I just apply some logic to 'OILRIG'. And rama_v is it seriously that related? Because when I did Physics my teacher said to me "If you use your cathode...
  20. kami

    Is anyone doing anything at school

    Well it's mainly revision for me except with Ext 2 Maths - we've only just started the last topic(Mechanics)....though I'm just gonna teach it to myself