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  1. kami

    Important - Please Read

    HP? What does that stand for?
  2. kami

    What theme is your MW

    everyone else's sound so much cooler, oh well, mine is a disturbing refashioning of the fairy tale concepts, particularly Cinderella.
  3. kami

    FAQ-King Lear

    if its not in the new cambridge edition or in a production you're using then strictly speaking, you dont need it.
  4. kami

    Powerplay - Related Texts

    It is in the Standard text list but you can use it if you want(I used Rabbitproof Fence as my additional material to Huckleberry Finn) but its not reccommended I believe. A similar question was asked in the extension english forum:
  5. kami

    Internal (ass)esment

    No. You complained, whined and judged another's capability in a subject that is *far* more subjective than maths or science, if you wanted the answer to internal moderation then all you would have had to do would be search the UAI/HSC marks forums as that exact question has been repeatedly...
  6. kami

    FAQ-King Lear

    well what edition of king lear is your book?
  7. kami

    Student Online PIN

    Tafe will give them out a little later because we sign our confirmation of entry later than the schools do, I think I got mine early term 3 last year.
  8. kami

    Student Online PIN

    Its on the Board of studies the link called Students Online
  9. kami

    Which guides to use.

    From my understanding of those courses, in Ancient History and Visual Arts you shouldn't be relying on any one study guide or textbook. The same is true for English regardless of the level. You should be analysing the prescribed and related text yourself or with your teacher's guidance - a study...
  10. kami

    TAFE Course Question.

    Is this for VETAB Cert courses or HSC courses? If its VETAB then there is Japanese Cert 1 offered at Ultimo, Randwick, Granville, Baulkham Hills and OTEN. Drama has 3 courses: Cert 2 in Live Production, Theatre...
  11. kami

    WHEN are TAFE holidays

    I answered this question in response to your pm as well but I'll post it here in casee anyone else has a similar question.
  12. kami

    WHEN are TAFE holidays ^link has all the dates
  13. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan suggest that Damnation and himself have a screaming contest during the HSC to let off steam and scare markers:)
  14. kami

    Important - Please Read

    How can Damnation top that? Has not Damnation got her trials this term? So no assessments next term, right?
  15. kami

    Average marks

    I'm at approx 98% for Ext 1 and 50 something% for Ext I don't think you can tell much from my marks except that I'm
  16. kami

    Important - Please Read

    yes but next term Evan has 12 assessments:(
  17. kami

    My Subjects..and Hi!

    I suggest that you pick them all up, if it is suicide like you've been told then you'll find out in due course for yourself how hard it is - who knows you might excel under that workload, but if it is too much for you to handle then you can drop it later...if you don't take the chance with your...
  18. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Haha...Evan found out from his chemistry teacher that you can buy them as over the counter lossenges with low level amounts of "laughing gas" in Damnation technically can get them at every good chemist, whether she will find it is another matter...*pictures Damnation at pharmacy...
  19. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan says "Hi Rach!!" *waves* *gives Rach laughing gas lossengers to ease her anxiety*
  20. kami

    My Subjects..and Hi!

    I do 4u English and 4u Maths, so I can tell you that it reall all depends on your time management skills and your facility with each subject. Also despite the fact there is no final examination for Ext 2 English does not make it easier, so do not use that as part of your reason for choosing it...