Search results

  1. B

    Biomedical Engineering or Computer Science

    I wouldn't worry about finding a job too bad, theres a shortage of "IT" graduates apparantly. I don't remember where I keep hearing this from... Also, theres more to computer science then just programming anyway. You should just do what you enjoy. "Success is not the key to...
  2. B

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    I'm sure they would go for other targets if they presented themselves, but mentions of athiests attacking religions made me think of this funny video I saw recently. Maybe this will explain to you to some extent why athiests think attacking religion is the right thing to do. Richard Dawkins...
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    Are humans rational?

    Yeah I agree. All our wars and disagreements really look pretty petty if you step back a bit. I mean if an alien race declared war on planet earth I think that "world peace" would come pretty quickly...
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    Important advice for all those considering studying engineering next yr

    First of all I'm at Melbourne, so I don't know about average students taking courses requiring less than 85 because everything at Melbourne requires at least 85, also I should just say on the record that I'm a Science student, not an engineering student but... Yes you are correct that if you...
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    Has anyone taken either Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) or Dip.Lang?

    I'm doing a Bachelor of Science majoring in computer science and maths (via the conncurrent mathematical sciences diploma.) I'm in the first year. For a computer science major you need to do Informatics 1 and 2 in first year, and two subjects of maths, the actual subjects depending on whether...
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    2009 UMAT Official Results (No Spam)

    I've noticed that there aren't many actual medicine students in the medicine forum. Just lots of high school students. I wonder why that could be...
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    Brown University & Other Ivy Leagues

    well yes, the go8 or the sandstone universities in Australia are seen as the ivy league of Australia, but they aren't as highly ranked as the actual ivy leauge. You just can't quite get the same thing in Australia. Melbourne, Sydney, NSW and ANU are usually fairly highly rated on international...
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    Elite universities... :s

    I think that might only be for US students.
  9. B

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    They actually pay you to do graduate studies, not that much though, and I don't think it applies for international students, so you would probably need to get a scolarship, not to cover tuition fees, but to cover living expenses, unless you already have enough money to live off for 5 years...
  10. B

    has this site been slow lately?

    veeeeery sloooooooow today. And how do you know they aren't making profits, obviously they aren't spending much money on site and server maintainance... and there would be advertising revenue...
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    Options for further Study?

    It might not be a bad idea to do a general IT course or TAFE in computing, and then if you decide you want to learn more you can transfer. As I said before, you can gain knowledge of the stuff you are talking about at TAFE probably. Just have a look around on the internet if you want to get an...
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    Saying goodbye to teachers

    you're overthinking this. You probably won't even miss them. I sure didn't. I don't miss high school at all.
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    Options for further Study?

    First of all, It's only September. Don't seal your fate already, theres enough time if you work hard. Exams are more important then your marks so far anyway. Second of all, yes it is true that you can probably learn about IT hardware and general computing stuff at tafe. I don't know much...
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    [Poll] - Should I learn how to program before starting Uni?

    all good advice here. They don't assume any programming knowledge at Melbourne University, and I assume the same is true everywhere else, so you won't need to learn it before hand. But I picked up python the month or two before uni started, which gave me a head start. Of course I did things...
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    Pedophile Ferguson can't be forced to move

    I don't understand why people are fussing so much about this. Has he not done his time already? Really I don't know, thats how little I care about all this fuss. Just leave him be if he does it again I don't think anyone will have to worry about him any more. They should have put him through...
  16. B

    What's your sexuality.

    Wow, a third of responders are either Gay, Bisexual or... other?? I think a few people lied :P Either that or theres something interesting going on with the demographics of this forum.
  17. B

    Left 4 Dead 2: Banned in Australia.

    I don't even play video games much anymore, although back in the day... anyway I don't play games much anymore and this makes my blood boil. Much more stupidity to this level, like this and the internet filter, and Australia will have a serious brain drain on their hands. Theres only so much...
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    Uni for sotware engineering/game developement

    do you have any preferences in the area you want to go to university? Just NSW or ACT? I would be a little wary about doing a games development degree, they seem to be just baiting students. Your best bet would be a proper computer science degree, doing computer graphics, programming and...
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    Computer engineering

    Computer engineering is sort of a mix between computer science and electrical engineering. You learn about hardware and software. Computer Science is the science of information and computation some areas of it have as much to do with computers as astro physics has to do with telescopes...
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    Engineering ( Related to Past Papers)

    you should be able to find them online. I think the subjects were called mathematics 1 and 2 last year, so the names may be different on the past exams. try here to start PDS SSO I know that accelerated maths 1 is mainly just all of linear algebra and some calculus 2(multi-dimensional)...